Pharmacological cyclin dependent kinase inhibitors: Implications for colorectal cancer

来源 :World Journal of Gastroenterology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:edison_young
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Colorectal cancer accounts for a significant proportion of cancer deaths worldwide. The need to develop more chemotherapeutic agents to combat this disease is critical. Cyclin dependent kinases(CDKs), along with its binding partner cyclins, serve to control the growth of cells through the cell cycle. A new class of drugs, termed CDK inhibitors, has been studied in preclinical and now clinical trials. These inhibitors are believed to act as an anti-cancer drug by blocking CDKs to block the uncontrolled cellular proliferation that is hallmark of cancers like colorectal cancer. CDK article provides overview of the emerging drug class of CDK inhibitors and provides a list of ones that are currently in clinical trials. The need to develop more chemotherapeutic agents to combat this disease is critical. Cyclin dependent kinases (CDKs), along with its binding partner cyclins, serve to control the growth of cells through the cell A new class of drugs, termed CDK inhibitors, has been studied in preclinical and now clinical trials. These inhibitors are believed to act as an anti-cancer drug by blocking CDKs to block the uncontrolled cellular proliferation that is hallmark of cancers like colorectal cancer. CDK article available overview of the emerging drug class of CDK inhibitors and provides a list of ones that currently currently clinical trials.
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安徽临泉县老集薯苗中心,利用基因学理论,经多年努力培育出薯中珍品——黑薯一号。该品种富含20多种元素,其中赖氨酸、钾、锌 Linquan County, Anhui old set of potato se
一次,我在医院输液时,看见有些病人输液的时候输完了第一瓶,还要换第二瓶。有些病人在输液时因疲倦而睡着了。听大人说,如果人在输液时睡着了,在液体输完时,未能及时更换液体,空气进到血管里,就会有生命危险。怎么办呢?于是,我设计了一个小发明,能一次完成多瓶液体的输入。这样既可以满足人们的需要,减少危险节省人力,又为病人减轻痛苦。    一、我的发明    当有两瓶以上的液体需要输入时可用一个输液器完成。