财经院校:国民经济的助推器 中国财经类院校简介

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中国的财经院校多教是中华人民共和国成立以后创办的,属于比较年轻的一类大学。改革开放以前,各财经院校的规模不大,学科较为单一,但它们为国家的经济建设培养了一批有用之才。改革开放以来特别是90年代以后,在以经济建设为中心的方针政策指引下,我国的经济状况日趋好转,经济活动日益频繁,社会对财经类人才的需求迅速增长,中国的财经院校迎来了前所未有的大好发展时机。原有的财经院校纷纷扩大办学规模,调整教学诘构,根据经济发展的需要增设新兴专业,一批新的财经院校也应运而生;各个独立的财经院校继续改革完善教育教学机制,一批综合性大学也以二级学院的彤式增强了经济类学科、专业的办学力量。随着全球经济一体化、多 China’s financial institutions to teach more is founded after the founding of People’s Republic of China, belonging to a relatively young type of university. Before the reform and opening up, the financial institutions of finance were not large in scale and the disciplines were relatively monolithic. However, they have cultivated a number of useful talents for the country’s economic construction. Since the reform and opening up, especially since the 1990s, guided by the guidelines and policies centered on economic construction, the economic situation in our country has been getting better and more frequent with more economic activities. The demand for financial professionals in the society has rapidly increased and China’s financial institutions have come The unprecedented opportunity for great development. The original financial colleges and universities have expanded the scale of running schools, adjusted teaching structure, set up new specialties according to the needs of economic development, and a batch of new financial institutions came into being. All independent financial institutions continued to reform and perfect education and teaching mechanism, A number of comprehensive universities also intensified their economic studies and professional schooling capabilities with the aid of secondary schools. With the global economic integration, more
一 “摸着石头过河” 1999年由广东省开始启动的全国高考改革试验,今年进入第三个年头。2001年的招生方案已经出台,在科目组合和招生办法方面变化更大。三年来,可以毫不夸张