“严防死守” 保障人民健康与生命安全

来源 :中医药管理杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:YGLDY1989
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今年6月中旬以来,我省赣江、信江、饶河、修河、抚河五大河流及长江和鄱阳湖,发生了历史罕见的特大洪涝灾害,给沿江、沿湖地区造成了巨大的损失。据初步统计,全省受灾人口达2000多万,直接经济损失达380亿元。在这场特大洪涝灾害面前,全省中医系统特别是受灾地区中医医疗机构的广大医务工作者,心系群众,“舍小家、保大家”,克服自身受灾等种种困难,日夜奋斗在抗洪抢险和救灾防病治病第一线,为抗洪抢险战斗的胜利,为保障灾区群众及 Since mid-June this year, the five major rivers in the provinces, namely Minjiang, Xinjiang, Raohe, Xiuhe and Fuhe, and the Yangtze and Poyang Lakes have experienced a rare and severe flooding disaster that has caused huge losses to the rivers and lakes. According to preliminary statistics, the number of affected people in the province has reached more than 20 million, and direct economic losses have reached 38 billion yuan. In the face of this catastrophic flood disaster, the entire province’s traditional Chinese medicine system, especially the general medical workers of the Chinese medicine medical institutions in the affected areas, was concerned about the masses and “sitting home and protecting everyone” to overcome their own disasters and other difficulties, and struggled day and night to fight against floods. And the first line of disaster relief, disease prevention and treatment, and the fight for flood fighting and rescue, to protect the people in the disaster area and
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题目:一封家书(湖南邵阳中考作文)  要求:①请以书信的形式作文,可自拟题目;②文中不得出现真实的地名、人名;③卷面整洁,字迹清楚,不少于600字。  一封家书  邵阳一考生  亲爱的爸爸妈妈:  你们好!  还记得那个顽皮可爱的孩子吗,还有那段为哄我不哭你们绞尽脑汁的时光吗?  我给你们惹出过很多麻烦:我断奶后吵了十五个不眠之夜,我学写字折断你们无数根铅笔,我吃奶糖扔了一地五彩缤纷的糖纸……