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有一片古老的土地,是西方文明的摇篮,多年以来这里休养生息着许多勤劳善良的人们,坚强刚毅的品质促使他们在这块土地上建造了世界上久负盛名的国度,希腊。作为欧洲文明古国,希腊一直以来是人们梦想前往的地方,巴特农神庙和守护神雅典娜的纯金塑像是人们朝拜的天堂,这里的一切都让人神往。希腊位于巴尔干半岛南部,三面临海,天然港湾和岛屿众多,平缓的沙滩,碧蓝的海水,造就了许多优雅的海滨浴场,这里是欧洲休养和进行水上运动的好地方。在这个美丽的国度你可以得到最舒心的享受,悠久的文化,好客的朋友,可口的美食,这里的一切似乎都无可挑剔。 但在这里你却感受不到足球的魅力与狂热,虽然是整个西方文明的孕育者,但希腊的足球水平远不如欧洲其他的国家。几十年来希腊国家队一直徘徊在欧洲足球的二流行列,甚至在上个世纪六七十年代跌进过欧洲三流的层次。几十年来,希腊足球一直同弱旅这个名字联系在一起。你也许会轻描淡写地说,这只是希腊足球发展中的一个小问题,但是当的希腊足球的参与者却很严肃地说过,这是必须解决的问题,否则希腊足球将永远不会有成功的那一天。于是在上个世纪80年代,希腊足坛管理层新锐派的代表人物便积极对俱乐部乃至整个联赛体制进行改革,以此为希腊足球联赛赢得一线生机。但由 There is a piece of ancient land, the cradle of western civilization. For years, many people who are industrious and kind-recuperate have survived and recuperated so that they have built the prestigious land in the world, Greece, in this land. As an ancient civilization in Europe, Greece has always been a place where people dream of going. The statue of the Parthenon and patron saint, Athena, is a paradise for people to worship. Everything is fascinating here. Located in the southern part of the Balkans, Greece is surrounded by a sea of ​​three faces, with natural bays and islands, gentle sandy beaches and turquoise waters creating many elegant bathing beaches. It is a great place to rest and do water sports in Europe. In this beautiful country you can get the most enjoyable enjoyment, long culture, hospitable friends, delicious cuisine, everything here seems impeccable. But here you can not feel the charm and fanaticism of football, although it is the birth of the entire Western civilization, but Greece’s football is far less than the rest of Europe. For decades the Greek national team has been hovering in the second-rate ranks of European football, even in the 1960s and 1970s fell into the third level in Europe. For decades, Greek football has been associated with the name of Underdog. You may casually say that this is only a minor problem in the development of Greek football, but when the Greek football players are very serious to say that this is a problem to be solved, otherwise the Greek football will never succeed That day So in the 80s of last century, the representatives of the new football leaders of the Greek football club actively reform the club and the entire league system, thus winning a glimmer of vitality for the Greek Football League. But by
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