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军队离休退休干部移交政府,是由民政部门具体负责服务管理,是党和国家交给民政部门的一项政治任务。他不仅事关军队离休退休干部(以下简称军休干部)老有所养、安度晚年,而且关系到国家今后长期的国防建设和军队建设,是一项政治性极强的工作,必须从全局的高度出发,提高认识,转变观念,保障军休干部的推进军休服务管理工作更好更快的发展。军休服务管理水平的优秀与否,直接影响到军休干部的切身利益。为此,国家民政部于2014年9月颁布了《军队离休退 The retired cadres retired by the military are handed over to the government by the civil affairs department in charge of service management. This is a political task handed over by the party and the state to the civil affairs department. He is not only concerned with the retirement and retired cadres of the armed forces (hereinafter referred to as military retired cadres), but also with his old age and reassurance in his later years. It is also an extremely political task that concerns the nation’s long-term national defense and army building. Starting from the high point of departure, raising awareness and changing concepts, and ensuring better and faster development of the army’s military cadres in promoting military service management. The outstanding military service management level, a direct impact on the vital interests of military retired cadres. To this end, the Ministry of Civil Affairs in September 2014 promulgated the "military leave
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自从我们的读者评刊表——“做自己的‘营养’顾问”刊登以来,收到全国各地读者热情洋溢的信件不计其数。一封封普通的信件背后都代表着一颗颗真挚、坦诚的心。所有这些可爱读者的心语心愿,令我们无不感动,也让我们增添了无穷动力,办好《语文世界》,回报读者,是我们共同的心声。下面选登部分读者的来信,让我们一起倾听他们的声音,分享快乐吧!  (编 者)    不知不觉中,《语文世界》陪我度过了难忘的初中时光,初识
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