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当人类的脚步跨入21世纪门槛之时 ,人们已明显感觉到新世纪所带来的挑战与冲击 ,其中重要的一点就表现在对人的素质的要求方面。在人的素质发展中 ,创新素质逐渐被人们看作是各种素质的核心与灵魂 ,创新素质的时代价值显得越发突出和重要 ,创新才能被看作是一个人最有价值的? As humankind steps into the threshold of the 21st century, people have clearly felt the challenges and shocks brought about by the new century. One of the important points is that they are manifested in the demand for human qualities. In the development of human quality, the quality of innovation is gradually seen by people as the core and soul of various qualities. The value of the times of innovative quality becomes more and more prominent and important. Can innovation be regarded as the most valuable one?
Sanya Satellite Data Receiving Station hosted by the Institute of Remote Sensing and Digital Earth (RADI) under the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) was inaugu
我院 1990年购置的 1台德国产心功能检测仪 ,包括电动血压计、电磁力蹬车以及 1台 3导心电图机 ;经近十年的使用一直工作良好 ,故障率较底 ,工作人员使用得心应手。但是近几
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活动一和哥哥姐姐在一起设计意图: 即将入小学的幼儿面临生活常规、学习任务、人际环境等的重大变化。父母、老师会不断地向孩子提出入学前的一些要求,这往往会使幼儿感到抽
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中国的古代建筑,几千年来形成了以木结构为主的建筑体系,用木柱、木梁、木构架搭建成遮雨避风防日晒的房屋。小到每家每户的住房,大 For many thousands of years, the anci