Contemporary local architecture

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  [Abstract]In addition to its use value,contemporary rural architecture has derived its cultural value with the change of history,including the meaning given by society,history,philosophy and religion.It has rich uniqueness and regionality,and local architecture as a regional culture and nation.The carrier of cultural transcendence and sublimation has been recognized by the world and breaks the limitation of time and space to form a unique locality and regionality.
  [Key Words]Native architecture;Regional;Culture;
  The description of architecture in the history of ancient Chinese architecture is a space of “shangdongxia,sheltering the wind and rain”,the “avoidance body” of human life and production of crops.Architecture is the habitat of human beings,only let people have A living space can solve the aesthetic and cultural issues that are derived.The land has nurtured one side of the soil and raised one person.The culture behind each area is different.Therefore,the building reflects the accumulation of local history and culture,and the architectural style and architectural style of each area are created.This is the so-called region.Sex.
  The local architecture has a strong traditional national characteristics and is determined by its “growth” environment.The topography and climatic characteristics of a region have a decisive influence on the formation of the building structure.The Drum Tower of the Dai Nationality in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region is a very unique building in the township.The tower of the Drum Tower stands tall in the village,and stands tall and magnificent.
  The so-called "regionality",that is,the product after the collision between architecture and local culture,the architecture is linked with the local culture,and the colleagues who satisfy the people's needs for living materials can also satisfy people's psychological intentions,and cherish people's aesthetic taste and spiritual pursuit..The role of culture has made the language of the local architecture more confidant,thus creating an emotional space that reflects the different regional styles.Among the local buildings in Guangxi,the most common ones are the dry-column buildings of the Zhuang people and the Chengyang wind and rain bridges of Sanjiang,especially the villages.The dry-column buildings have become the main architectural form.The infiltration of this culture is also expressed through architecture,making the building a carrier of regional characteristics,reflecting the uniqueness and locality of the locality.   Behind the regional nature of the local architecture is the local regional culture.Culture is the root of all creation,especially in the construction field.As a carrier of regional culture,local architecture should fully consider the regional natural elements in the process of designing local architecture,especially the use of local building materials,especially considering how to connect buildings with local nature.The environment is ingeniously integrated,making full use of the traditional philosophy of "Heaven and Man";the second is to consider the local customs,traditions and living habits and other spiritual connotations,and integrate them into the design of local architecture,in order to make the native land The building has local regional cultural characteristics.Just like the traditional rural architecture in the Zhuang area of Guangxi,the dry-column dwellings,because of the humid and rainy climate factors,the upper and lower floors,the upper-class living style,the architectural form and architectural patterns have also retained the local migration.Regional culture.
  With the development of the times,there are fewer and fewer local architectures in contemporary traditions,and some areas have even disappeared.The local historical memory has gradually faded with the disappearance of architecture.Take the Guangxi Zhuang area as an example.First,because of the improvement of technology,in the history,the Guangxi area is humid and rainy,and the insects are flooding.Due to the innovation of modern technology,the pests have become a topic of history.The ground can also use concrete for wet water.Floors and other engineering methods to solve;Second,the lack of resources,Guangxi has always been a high density of forests,but in recent years due to excessive deforestation of forests,wood is decreasing,which brings traditional timber-based dry-column buildings The difficulty of building materials merchants,but in the area of stone mountain,has also been taken locally,stone or brick instead of wood construction;third is the change of people's concept,with the rapid development of the city,more and more rural introduction The advanced concept of the city,and because the traditional dry-column buildings are located in most remote and backward ethnic minorities,they have become the symbol of poverty and backwardness.When rebuilding houses in the countryside,they will not choose the traditional dry-column architecture.Most take urban construction.
  The loss of dry-column architecture represents the loss of regional culture and regional memory.It has a very distinct point:due to the steep terrain of the mountainous area,the wooden floor and the raised living floor can obtain better ventilation,lighting and sunshine conditions.It is also conducive to anti-theft anti-theft;the bottom has been captive livestock,you can make full use of the overhead space to save valuable land in the mountains.
  While analyzing the regional nature of contemporary rural architecture,we must also look beyond the horizon and foresee the uniqueness and unrepeatable nature of the local architecture.It carries the entire historical context of one land.Therefore,we must also consider how to protect the regional nature of the local architecture and the regional culture it carries when studying the regional nature of the local architecture.
摘 要:建筑工程施工现场的管理是整个建筑施工的重要組成部分,其工作内容需要全面、系统的深入实践,而建筑工程施工现场的监理更是贯穿了整个建筑施工过程。就目前的建筑工程施工现场监理管理的现状而言,其在不断发展完善的过程中还存在着许多制约因素,因此,身处于激烈市场竞争中的建筑企业更应该严格控制建筑工程施工现场的监理管理工作,以提升整体管理水平为根本目的,为建筑工程的施工质量提供强有力的保障。  关键词:
摘 要:目前,我国面临着人口老龄化“银色浪潮”的沖击[1],60岁以上的老年人口占总人口数的10%,65岁以上人口占总人口数7%。老龄化社会的到来,必然给社会家庭、医疗保健带来巨大的压力,同时也对老年护理事业提出了新的挑战。人口老龄化对老年护理的挑战、老年护理研究的现状,认为老年护理应从更新概念,重视心理、社会因素对健康的影响方面进行。  关键词:老年护理;护理学  一、人口老龄化对老年护理的挑战
摘 要:随着我国农业发展水平的日益提升,农业用水供需矛盾也日渐突出,对农业用水进行合理的控制,最大效率提高灌溉用水的效率,是我国农业发展过程中需要解决的重要矛盾之一。高效节水灌溉能够提高对水资源的优化配置能力,提高水资源的利用效率,具有十分重要的经济以及生态价值。本文对于节水高效节水措施在农田水利工程应用存在的问题进行了分析,并且提出了相对应的解决策略,并分析了高效节水灌溉技术的发展趋势。  关键
摘 要:建筑计划是建筑设计前期工作中的重要环节,可以为建筑的设计提供理论支持与结构框架。本文以建筑学在建筑设计中的具体应用为题,从建筑计划学的理念、建筑计划设计重要性,以及建筑计划学在生活中的实践等一系列问题出发,对计划学在建筑设计中的应用进行分析。  关键词:建筑计划;建筑设计;设计目标  引言:目前,科学技术不断发展的成果促使着建筑行业也在不断的进行变更。巨大的建筑工程规模、精神文明需求、技术
摘 要:施工资料是建筑项目施工过程的完整记录,在建筑项目的实施中起着重要的作用。全文以建筑工程资料管理的重要性为研究重点,探讨了建筑工程资料在实施过程中存在的问题及对策,加强了建筑工程资料在工程实施过程中的完善。  关键词:建筑工程;施工资料;问题;措施  一、前言  建筑项目在实施过程有大量的资料,收集和存储的工作是非常繁琐的,但这些资料却贯穿整个施工过程,从开始到竣工的各个阶段完成。  二、建
摘 要:伴随着我国建筑行业的进步与发展,BIM技术的应用越来越广泛,涉及到施工项目管理中的每一个环节,给建筑工程带来极大的帮助。BIM技术的使用良好地补充了传统建筑工程管理过程中的不足,通过直观的模型效果,展示了施工设计的每一个方面,直接表现出造价,推动我国建筑工程造价管理朝着全新的方向发展。  关键词:BIM技术;建筑工程;工程造价;应用要点  中图分类号:TU43 文献标识码:A  引言  工
摘 要:随着国民经济以及科学技术的迅猛发展,城市建筑取得飞跃进步,社会各界以及人民群众愈加重视建筑外观与色彩,所提出的要求越来越多。在本文中,探讨了房屋建筑设计中的基本原则与设计要点。  关键词:房屋建筑;基本原则;设计要点  從古至今,多种美学以及建筑学等知识融入房屋建筑设计之中,使得建筑设计难度增加。因此,建筑设计师在对房屋建筑进行设计时,必须对建筑设计的理念有一个深入、清晰的认知,明确用户需
摘 要:随着我国市场经济的不断成熟和日益发展,人们对城市管理也提出了更高的要求,作为城市管理方面十分重要的一部分,市政道路施工管理的管理效果对于评估整个城市的管理绩效有着很大的影响,只有同时满足城市道路施工在进度、质量、投资等方面的要求才能尽可能的满足施工标准。总的来说,市政道路工程施工管理是一项富有挑战性的工作,它是保证工程顺利进行的必要措施。在管理进行的过程中,既要求管理人员认真分析施工工艺的
摘 要:现代装饰壁画是一种备受现代绘画及设计双重影响的主要艺术表现方式,其不仅对人们生活环境美化,还能够提高人们审美情趣。现代装饰壁画在室内设计过程中具有重要的作用,本文就对其进行研究。  关键词:室内设计;装饰壁画;结合使用  现代室内装饰壁画设计是当代室内寒意设计的主要构成无素,工艺技术与材料在近年来的广泛应用和室内装饰的飞速发展,其设计也是非常唯美的,也赢得了大众的喜爱与青睐。装饰壁画主要指
摘 要:石油钻井作业中,PDC钻头的合理选择是非常重要的环节。在分析PDC钻头破岩机理的基础上,结合我队在花24区块施工的花24-23等3口井,对花24区块PDC钻头进行了合理的评价及优选,优选结果对该区块提速提效工作,降低钻井综合成本有着重要的参考作用。  关键词:PDC钻头;破岩机理;花24区块;钻头优选;提速提效  引言  花24断块构造位置位于花庄构造带南部,紧邻刘五舍次凹,北临花3含油断