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三、棉花1.棉铃虫部分棉区区域站近期调查,棉铃虫残留虫量偏低。但棉铃虫的内禀增长率高,随着棉田高效立体种植而积扩大,农田生态环境对棉铃虫发生有利,在无特殊灾变性天气的情况下,预计2006年棉铃虫将为3级发生,局部地区4级,如果夏季雨水偏少,气温偏高,将达4~5级。2.盲蝽蟓梅雨明显的年份发生较重,我省常年梅雨期明显,预计3~4级发生。3.棉田玉米螟在沿海南部、沿江东 Third, cotton 1. Cotton bollworm part of the cotton area station recently survey, the low amount of cotton bollworm residues. However, the intrinsic rate of growth of cotton bollworm is high. With the efficient three-dimensional planting and expansion of cotton fields, the farmland ecological environment is beneficial to the occurrence of cotton bollworm. Under the condition of no special catastrophe weather, it is estimated that the cotton bollworm will be in grade 3 in 2006, 4 in some areas, if less rainfall in summer, the temperature is high, will reach 4 to 5. 2. Blight bugs Meiyu obvious occurrence of heavier years, heavy rain in our province perennial, is expected to occur 3 to 4. 3. Cotton field corn borer in the southern coastal areas, along the east
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旱稻或水稻喷阿司匹林醋液,可增产10%~18%,并且出米率在75%以上。使用方法:每亩用阿司匹林7.5~9克,置于70千克300~350倍的米醋液中充分搅拌均匀,于抽穗 Upland rice or rice s
请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。队旗飘飘@倪和文正请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。 Please download to view, this article does not support on
4 一卜B万 虞文琴词 方石曲 /一、 5 5 32 /一、 2 55 32 7 65一 水露 的 黄彩 黄五 彗一 低贺 头看看 河滩漂来 1 112一 蓝蓝的天, 羊皮筏, 头走过 山飞来 2抬黄 1 1 5 3.33
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请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。小鹿邀我去做客@志同@冯奇正请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。 Please download to view, this article does not s