
来源 :河南水利与南水北调 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lanying
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本文通过对岩土固化剂在渠道防渗工程中的应用,分析论证了YTG与土颗粒胶凝在一起,形成新的格构,并且初期施工的压实效应会使格构间联系得更加牢固,YTG改善了土的物理力学性能,发挥了固结剂的强度。这种固结反应使得固化土能够在水和空气中硬化,具有早期强度高、长期强度保持稳定增长的特点。其固化土防渗层就地取材、投资小、施工简单、受环境影响小,为渠道防渗提供了新的途径。 Through the application of geotextile curing agent in canal seepage control project, it is demonstrated that YTG and soil particles gel together to form a new lattice, and the compaction effect of initial construction will make the connection between the lattice more firm , YTG improved the physical and mechanical properties of soil, played a consolidation agent strength. This consolidation reaction enables the hardened soil to harden in water and air, with early strength and long-term strength to maintain steady growth. Its soil-hardened soil seepage layer draw on the spot, small investment, simple construction, little environmental impact, providing a new way for seepage control.
1 病例介绍 例1:女,37岁,1990年2月因上感在我院门诊青霉素皮试阴性后给肌注80万u,观察半小时后无反应让其回家,在半路上突感头昏、心慌、呼吸困难,面色苍白、口唇发绀,速送
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