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2016年是中国工农红军长征胜利80周年。在20世纪30年代中期,中国共产党领导红军进行的长征,是革命与反革命两种力量、光明与黑暗两种命运的一场大搏斗,是中国共产党和中国革命事业从挫折走向胜利的伟大转折。红军长征期间,各部队之间有过多次会师,它对红军的发展壮大和长征的胜利有着重要意义。在纪念长征胜利80周年之际,本刊特邀中央档案馆研究人员,根据有关档案史料,梳理了红军长征中几次会师的情况,编写成系列文章连续刊载。 2016 marks the 80th anniversary of the victory of the Long March of the Chinese Workers ’and Peasants’ Red Army. In the mid-1930s, the long march led by the Chinese Communist Party in leading the Red Army was a great struggle between the revolutionary and the counterrevolutionary forces, the two fates of light and darkness, and a great turning point from the setback to the victory of the Chinese Communist Party and the Chinese revolution. During the long march of the Red Army, there were so many meetings between the various units that it was of great significance to the development and growth of the Red Army and the victory of the Long March. In commemoration of the 80th anniversary of the victory of the Long March, this journal has invited researchers from the Central Archives to sort out several meetings of the Red Army during the long march according to the historical archives and compile a series of articles in a row.
这篇论文与混合未知的比例在二件样品的正常混合物为同质调查修改可能性比率测试(LRT ) 。修改可能性比率测试的限制分发是χ(1 ) ,这被证明[2 ] 。
让μ _( Ω, b ) 整流器被 n-dimensionalMarcinkiewicz 积分μ _ Ω和功能 b ∈ BMO (R~n ) 概括。它被证明那μ _( Ω, b ) 从强壮的空间 H~1 (R~n ) 被围住直到弱 L~1 (R~n
An equivalent definition of fractional integral on spaces of homogeneous type is given.The behavior of the fractional integral operator in Triebel-Lizorkin spac
我国农机监理出现在80年代初,从成立到现在,近30年历史。农机监理事业虽然取得了长足的发展,健立健全了国家、省、市、县四级管理网络,但仍然存在一此不容忽视的问题,特别是县乡农机监理工作薄弱与飞速发展的农机化事业不相适应。主要表现在以下几点:  一、农机监理工作的现状  1.农机监理机构责权严重不对等  《农业机械化促进法》、《道路交通安全法》等法规明确了农机部门是拖拉机的主管部门同时《国家安全生产
一、安装  碾米机的安装可根据需要而定。对不需移动的机子,最好安装在水泥基座上。基座尺寸由碾米机功率大小决定。大功率碾米机基座尺寸可大些。若碾米机需要经常移动,可将碾米机和动力机装在同一可移动的基座上。  二、动力选配  碾米机动力选配必须满足两个条件,一是功率;二是转速应满足要求。动力主要根据碾米机铭牌上标定的功率来选配。其功率一般为碾米机功率的 1.2—2.3倍,而且要选配合适的皮带轮,使碾米