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以英明领袖华主席为首的党中央,一举粉碎“四人帮”的篡党夺权的阴谋,为党为人民除大害。在这个胜利形势的鼓舞下,在英明领袖华主席抓纲治国的战略决策的指引下,在市科委、卫生局党委的领导下,我们实行领导、工人、技术人员三结合,加强共产主义大协作,共同攻关,经过三个月的奋战,终于在1976年10月,在广州市第一人民医院研制成功Gz—I型鼻咽摄影仪的基础上,对该仪器作了改革,试制成功并生产三部GZ-Ⅱ型鼻咽摄影仪及配套附件,经临床应用于正常人鼻咽部和鼻咽癌病人的摄影,效果良好。它对鼻咽癌的定位诊断、观察病情变化和治疗效果能够提供客观指标,对于防治鼻咽癌研究具有一定 The party Central Committee led by Chairman Hua, wise leader, smashed the “gang of four” conspiracy to usurp the party and seize power, and the party has done much to save the people. Inspired by this victory, guided by the strategic decision of Chairman Hua, who is the wise leader, in catching the Gangchung Governing State and under the leadership of the Party Committee of the Municipal Science and Technology Commission and the Health Bureau, we implement the principle of combining leadership, workers and technicians to strengthen communism Collaboration and joint research, after three months of hard work, finally in October 1976, the First People’s Hospital of Guangzhou City, the successful development of Gz-I type of nasopharyngeal camera based on the instrument made a reform, successful trial and Production of three GZ-Ⅱ-type nasopharyngeal camera and accessories, the clinical application of nasopharyngeal NPC patients and normal photography, the effect is good. It is nasopharyngeal carcinoma localization diagnosis, observation of disease changes and treatment can provide objective indicators for the prevention and treatment of nasopharyngeal carcinoma have a certain
随着社会的进步,科技水平的发展,教学手段也在与时俱进。在计算机日益普及的今天,多媒体教学更是以其独特的身姿出现在各类课堂教学中,多媒体手段因其图声并显, With the pr
科学技术要面向经济建设。这是党中央的重要决策。本期专题报道从不同的侧面阐述了这一重要指导思想。 Science and technology should be oriented to economic constructi
当毕业迫在眉睫,当离别拉开窗帘,要说再见真的很伤感,只有回忆依旧香甜……———题记 When graduation is imminent, when the farewell opened the curtains, to say good
预兆期中考试前,阿杰为了求个好兆头,早餐打算吃一根油条,希望能得100分。谁知有一个鸡蛋竟是双黄,他思前想后,最终只 Ahead of the mid-term exam, Adger in order to get
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