成效 形势 任务 工作——中国会计学会第四次全国会员代表大会暨学术讨论会综述

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中国会计学会第四次全国会员代表大会暨学术讨论会于1992年4月13日至16日在西安市举行。财政部副部长张佑才主持开幕式并作总结报告,中国会计学会第三届理事会副会长杨纪琬就学会章程修改草案和第四届理事推荐情况作了说明,财政部会计事务管理司司长、中国会计学会第三届理事会秘书长张德明向大会作了第三届理事会的工作报告,中国会计学会副会长阎达五作了关于“八五”科研规划纲要说明。参加大会的有各省、自治区、直辖市、计划单列市会计学会、各专业会计学会、中央和国务院有关部委办、中国人民解放军、高等院校、会计科研机构、全国性总公司、大型企业、中国会计学会、财政部部分业务司局的理事候选人及会员代表165人。 The Fourth National Congress of Members of Chinese Accounting Association and the Symposium were held in Xi’an from April 13 to April 16, 1992. Zhang Youcai, Vice Minister of Ministry of Finance presided over the opening ceremony and made a summary report. Yang Jiju, Vice Chairman of the Third Session of the Chinese Institute of Accounting, explained the draft amendment to the Articles of Association and the recommendation of the 4th Board of Directors. The director of the Accounting Administration Department of the Ministry of Finance, Zhang Deming, secretary-general of the third council of China Accounting Society, made a report on the work of the third council to the conference, and Yan Dahwu, vice president of the Accounting Society of China, made a note on the outline of the research plan for the “Eighth Five-Year Plan”. Participants in the conference include accounting institutes of various provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the Central Government, cities specifically designated in the state plan, specialized accounting institutes, relevant central ministries and commissions of the State Council, the Chinese People’s Liberation Army, colleges and universities, accounting research institutes, national headquarters, large enterprises, Chinese accounting Institute, some of the Ministry of Finance business director candidates and member representatives of 165 people.
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