
来源 :装甲兵工程学院学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jialin131466
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针对装备应急器材调度决策问题,从调度路径优化和调度计划分配2个方面,研究了其多目标优化模型的构建。将资源点划分为若干级别来确定资源点选取的优先次序,通过先求解资源点与需求点之间的最优路径,后求解器材资源分配量的思路,建立了装备应急器材调度决策的广义最优路径模型和运输模型,采用改进的Dijkstra算法对模型进行求解,仿真结果表明:所构建的决策模型及算法是有效的。 Aiming at the problem of equipment emergency equipment scheduling decision-making, this paper studies the construction of multi-objective optimization model from two aspects of scheduling route optimization and scheduling planning. The resource points are divided into several levels to determine the priorities of resource points selection. By first solving the optimal path between resource points and demand points and solving the allocation of equipment resources, a generalized most The optimal path model and the transportation model, the improved Dijkstra algorithm is used to solve the model. The simulation results show that the decision model and algorithm are effective.
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