
来源 :河南林业科技 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Dutch_deamer
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对24个白榆无性系的6个性状进行遗传相关分析表明,主干高、胸径、全高、冠幅与主干材积呈极显著正相关;竞争枝数与主干材积呈极显著负相关。通径分析表明主干高、胸径对主干材积直接作用最大,选择时是首要因素。竞争枝数对主干材积直接作用和剩余效应均为负,减少竞争枝数对增大主干材积有利。冠幅对主干材积直接作用为负,与主干高、胸径呈负相关。选择丰产窄冠白榆无性系是可能的。 Genetic correlation analysis on six traits of 24 elm elm clones showed that stem height, DBH, total height, crown width had a significantly positive correlation with stem volume. There was a significant negative correlation between competition number and trunk volume. Path analysis showed that the trunk height, diameter of the trunk diameter of the direct role of the largest, the choice is the primary factor. The direct effect of the number of competition branches on the trunk volume and the residual effect are negative, and reducing the number of competition branches is beneficial to increasing the trunk volume. The direct effect of the crown on the trunk volume was negative, which was negatively correlated with the trunk height and DBH. It is possible to choose a high yield and narrow crown elm clones.
根据七里峪、石膏山、龙泉林场近30块标地资料,对这三个场70年代后期到80年代初进行的低产林改造应用动态分析方法,进行经济效益分析。 Based on the data of nearly 30 sites in Qi
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具体论述了东台市新街镇沈桥村所形成的“三林四带”农田防护林网模式,并进行了效益分析,对进一步完善该林业发展模式提出了良好的建议。 The model of farmland shelterbelts
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主持人:冯教授,您年届七十还依然满负荷地工作。最近有什么新事情? 冯理达:1994年最后一周,为11名胆、肾结石患者组织一期治疗班,经一周左右的气功治疗,其结石已全部排出!这