Complexation of As(Ⅲ) by phosphonate ligands in aqueous fluids: Thermodynamic behavior,chemical bind

来源 :环境科学学报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhaojianan1987
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In recent years,the contamination of water by arsenic reached alarming levels in many countries of the world,attracting the interest of many researchers engaged in testing methodologies able to remove this harmful pollutant.An important aspect that must be taken into consideration is the possibility to find arsenic in different chemical forms which could require different approaches for its removal.At this aim,a speciation analysis appears to be crucial for better understanding the behavior of arsenic species in aqueous solutions,especially in presence of compounds with marked chelating properties.Phosphonates can be identified as good sequestering agents and,at this purpose,this manuscript intends to investigate the interaction of As(Ⅲ) with three phosphonic acids derived from nitrilotriacetic acid (NTA) by replacements of one (N-(Phosphonomethyl) iminodiacetic acid,NTAP),two (N,N-Bis-(phosphonomethyl) glycine,NTA2P) and three (Nitrilotri(methylphosphonic acid),NTA3P) carboxylic groups with the same number of phosphonate groups.An in-depth potentiometric and calorimetric investigation allowed to determine speciation models featured by simple ML,MLHi and ML(OH) species.A complete thermodynamic characterization of the systems is reported together with the definition of coordination mode by mass spectrometry measurements.On the light of the speciation models,the possibility of using these ligands in arsenic removal techniques was assessed by determining the pL0.5 (the concentration of ligand able to remove the 50% of metal ion present in trace).All ligands show a good sequestering ability,in particular under the conditions of fresh water,following the trend NTA3P > NTA2P > NTAP.
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