
来源 :吉林水利 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:caochangzheng
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赵鸿儒厅长在最近召开的水利企业厂长(经理)座谈会上指出,全省水利综合经营的走势和发展势头是好的,对于稳定职工队伍、促进水利事业的发展起了积极作用。但从全省水利综合经营整体效益和居全国位次看,与形势和事业发展的需要很不适应。全省综合经营企业有30%亏损,大多数年吃年用;综合经营产值、利润分列全国第19和23位,名次居后。我们必须把发展水利综合经营提到日程,摆到重要位置,下大力气解决好队伍的生存和发展问题。 Zhao Hongru, director of the water conservancy at the recent business director (manager) forum pointed out that the trend of the province’s integrated water conservancy management and development momentum is good, for the stability of the workforce and promote the development of water conservancy played an active role. However, from the perspective of the overall efficiency of water conservancy operation in the whole province and the ranking of the whole country, it is not suited to the needs of the situation and career development. The province’s integrated operating companies have a 30% loss, most of the year to eat; integrated operating output value, profit breakdown of the country 19 and 23, ranked behind. We must put the development of integrated water management into the agenda, put it in an important position, and make great efforts to solve the problems of the contingent’s survival and development.
对环氧化酶 (cyclooxygenase ,COX)及其抑制剂深入研究改变了人们对COX的传统认识。NASIDs通过抑制COX 2减少PGE2 产生 ,抑制细胞增殖 ,诱导细胞凋亡 ,调控细胞周期 ,抑制血
在共和国胜利地走过45个春秋之际,放眼淮河大地,治淮人更是心潮澎湃,思绪万千! 新中国刚刚建立,国家还处于财政困难、百废待兴之时,毛主席高瞻远瞩,适时发出“一定要把淮河修
The objective of this paper is to investigate the dynamic relationship between China′s trade balance (T) and macroeconomic variables: domestic and foreign