Changes in Synapses and Axons Demonstrated by Synaptophysin Immunohistochemistry Following Spinal Co

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Objective and methods To evaluate synaptic changes using synaptophysin immunohistochemstry in rat and mouse, which spinal cords were subjected to graded compression trauma at the level of Th8-9. Results Normal animals showed numerous fine dots of synaptophysin immunoreactivity in the gray matter. An increase in synaptophysin immunoreactivity was observed in the neuropil and synapses at the surface of motor neurons of the anterior horns in the ThS-9 segments lost immunoreactivity at 4-hour point after trauma. The immunoreactive synapses reappeared around motor neurons at 9-day point. Unexpected accumulation of synaptophysin immunoreactivity occurred in injured axons of the white matter of the compressed spinal cord. Conclusion Synaptic changes were important components of secondary injuries in spinal cord trauma. Loss of synapses on motor neurons may be one of the factors causing motor dysfunction of hind limbs and formation of new synapses may play an import,ant role in recovery of motor function. Synaptophysin immunohistochemistry is also a good tool for studies of axonal swellings in spinal cord injuries. Objective and methods To evaluate synaptic changes using synaptophysin immunohistochemstry in rat and mouse, which spinal cords were subjected to graded compression trauma at the level of Th8-9. Results: Normal animals showed numerous fine dots of synaptophysin immunoreactivity in the gray matter. An increase in synaptophysin immunoreactivity was observed in the neuropil and synapses at the surface of motor neurons of the anterior horns in the ThS-9 segments lost immunoreactivity at 4-hour point after trauma. The immunoreactive synapses were reappeared around the motor neurons at 9-day point. Unexpected accumulation Synaptophysin immunoreactivity occurred in injured axons of the white matter of the compressed spinal cord. Conclusion Synaptic changes were important components of secondary injuries in spinal cord trauma. Loss of synapses on motor neurons may be one of the factors causing motor dysfunction of hind limbs and form anttionophysin immunohistochemistry is also a good tool for studies of axonal swellings in spinal cord injuries.
案 由2001年6月,圣井白酒厂与本市一家镇办集体企业——古源酒厂签订了一份受托加工粮食白酒的合同,合同约定由古源酒厂向圣井白酒厂提供1500吨价值185万元的红粮,委托圣井白酒
目的:了解基层医院传染病患者收治情况。方法:回顾性调查2005-01/2008-01某基层医院传染科专科收治与转科情况。结果:在1 991例患者中,295例为转科患者,转科率为14.82%。结论
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