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继去年4月放宽公民因私出境申请条件之后,最近,福建省公安厅决定再次简化公民因私出境手续,放宽申请条件,以促进对外开放和交往。根据福建省公安厅规定,出国访友的申请人可以是各级党政机关工作人员;事业单位的在编工作人员;年龄在60周岁以上的男性和55 Following the easing of the conditions for citizens to leave their country for private employment last April, the Fujian Provincial Public Security Department recently decided to once again simplify the formalities for citizens leaving the country for personal reasons and relax their application conditions so as to promote opening up and exchanges with the public. According to the provisions of Fujian Provincial Public Security Department, the applicant for overseas friends and relatives may be the staff and workers of party and government organs at all levels; the staffs of the public institutions are in the process of editing; the number of men over the age of 60 and 55
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这是一方神圣的土地。方圆50平方公里的牛河梁红山文化遗址昭示了中华民族史前文明的辉煌,华夏古国已成定论的4000年文明史 This is a sacred land of one side. A radius o
生活里的每一个人都是你的老师,即使那些让你很讨厌的人也不例外,因为从他们身上,你可以知道人性的弱点。快乐的人不只接受改变,而且会欣然地全身心投入。 Everyone in life
东周末年,春秋前期,晋已成为强国之一。在晋献公时期,晋国大力发展经济,对内实行强权统治,对外不断掠去疆土,"并国十 Eastern Weekend, early Spring and Autumn, Jin has b
本人就钢筋混凝土楼屋面的裂缝,建筑结构中较难克服的质量通病,针对其裂缝产生的原因及防范措施进行分析和讨论。 I crack on the reinforced concrete floor, difficult to