
来源 :开心老年 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cynthializzu
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经常和一些朋友骑车去山里玩,大家都喜欢去有野趣的地方探寻,体验新奇之感。那次,我们去登一座山,到了山脚下,仰望高耸的青山,大家兴致勃勃,都想登到山顶,体会“一览众山小”的豪迈和畅快。开始登山了,群情激昂,大家都铆足了劲,朝着顶峰奋力蹬踏。可是,山路崎岖,没多久,很多人就感到体力不支。大家一边擦汗,一边遥望山顶,觉得路途好漫长啊。走了好久,山顶还是那样遥不可及。忽 Often ride a bike with some friends to the mountains to play, we all like to find interesting places, experience the feeling of novelty. That time, we went to a hill, to the foot of the mountain, looking towering Castle Peak, everyone in high spirits, want to board the summit, experience “list of small hills ” heroic and carefree. Starting mountaineering, passionate, we are riveting enough, struggling pedaling toward the top. However, the rugged mountain, not long, many people feel physically handicapped. Everyone wipe the sweat, while overlooking the Peak, I feel a long way ah. Walked for a long time, the top of the mountain is still out of reach. suddenly
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陶渊明的“采菊东篱下,悠然见南山”太具诱惑力了,不经意一个抬头,就与一面青色不期而遇,对眼睛,对心灵,都是一种净化和滋养。面对一山青碧,任何人也无法拒绝大自然的美丽邀约。倘若能够在自己的居室里与一面青山相对而坐,便是赛过了云深之处的神仙。  新买的房子正合了我的心意,对面就是一座青山。春意渐浓,山上绿色也渐浓。早晨拉开窗帘,便可见青山排闼而入,送来满眼青葱。  舒服地坐在椅子上,与山对视,交流。我
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