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我们学习本草史是采取教与学相结合的办法,即以本院二年级学生集体编写的本草史作为教材,并由该班同学担任讲授。通过学习与讨论,补充和修正了讲义的内容,同时使我们对祖国医药的辉煌成就,有了进一步的认识。这里就将我们的一些初步体会简单的报导如下。一、政治挂帅就能创造奇迹一年来,由于贯彻了社会主义建设总路线和党的中医政策,教学工作中马克思列宁主义思想大大加强,我院二年级同学在党的领导下,大胆地负担起编写本草史的任务。他们广泛地收集了古今有关资料,访问了有关的各界人士,用辩证唯物主义和历史唯物主义以及鲜明的阶级分析方法,总结和阐述了我国历代本草的发展。虽然这本讲义在内容上还比较粗糙,但它却具备了密切联系我国当前医药卫生工作实际、体现出党的中医政策等特点,因此,它根本不同于过去旧的 We study the history of herbal medicine is to take a combination of teaching and learning approach, that is, second-year students in this hospital collective compiled by the history of Materia Medica as a teaching material, and by the class as a lecture. Through the study and discussion, the contents of handouts were supplemented and amended, and at the same time, our knowledge of the brilliant achievements of the motherland medicine was further enhanced. Here are some of our initial experience simply reported as follows. First, the political command will be able to create miracles In the past year, due to the implementation of the general line of socialist construction and the party’s policy on traditional Chinese medicine, Marxism-Leninism in teaching has been greatly strengthened. The second-year students in our college, under the leadership of the party, Herbal history mission. They extensively collected relevant information from ancient and modern times and interviewed relevant people from all walks of life. They summarized and described the development of ancient Chinese Materia Medica using dialectical materialism and historical materialism as well as distinct class analysis methods. Although this handout is still relatively crude in content, it has the characteristics of closely linking with the actual medical and health work in our country and reflecting the party’s traditional Chinese medicine policy. Therefore, it is fundamentally different from the past
2020年4月22日,纳米领域国际权威学术期刊《ACS Nano》 (IF=13.903)在线发表了我院齐宪荣教授研究团队的最新研究成果:“Albumin-Based Nanotheranostic Probe with Hypoxia
奥润人坚信细节决定品质,质量创造品牌,项目中使用的所有产品均为品牌产品,对工程所有环节精益求精,追求完美,确保了楼盘拥有一流的建筑品质。 Aolun people firmly believe
本文主要探讨调校Moflo XDP高速分选设备进行细胞分选实验的方法,优化仪器进入最佳运行状态,实现高活性高效率分选.以荧光微球快速校准主液流与激光束的位置,根据不同大小喷