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初中时期,学生正处于一个身心发展的黄金阶段,新课改的目标之一是使初中生在愉快的学习氛围下体验学习新鲜知识的乐趣。这对教师的教学方法及个人素质提出新的要求,初中教师要树立爱生如子的思想观念,与学生平等的交流,在课堂上与学生打成一片,使初中生在轻松的氛围中自主学习,主动思考,乐于探究。但是在初中地理教学实践中我们不难发现,愉快教学策略的实施也存在不足不处,为了实现初中地理的愉快教学,寻找最合理的教学方法去提高初中地理教学质量,以下是对愉快教学策略的内涵及特点进行分析,以便初中地理老师借鉴,更好的完善策略。 Junior high school, students are in a golden stage of physical and mental development, one of the goals of the new curriculum reform is to enable junior high school students in a pleasant learning atmosphere to experience the fun of learning fresh knowledge. This teachers’ teaching methods and personal qualities put forward new requirements, junior high school teachers should establish the idea of ​​loving themselves as children, and students equal exchange, in the classroom with the students into one, so that junior high school students in a relaxed atmosphere of independent study, Active thinking, willing to explore. However, in the practice of junior high school geography teaching, it is not difficult to find that the implementation of pleasant teaching tactics is inadequate. In order to realize the pleasant teaching of junior high school geography and find the most reasonable teaching method to improve the geography teaching quality of junior high school, The connotation and the characteristic carries on the analysis, in order to junior high school geography teacher draws lessons, better completes the strategy.
Aims:To assess optic disc characteristics in premature infants with and without ischaemic brain injury and to evaluate the role of optic disc morphology in dati
他和战士们在水源奇缺的北国边疆“喝苦水,掘甘泉”,被誉为“草原水神”。 He and soldiers in the water shortage of the northern border “drunken water, dig Ganquan