
来源 :水土保持研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sbb20005
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镶黄旗水土流失十分严重,水土流失面积占该旗总面积的44%。有部分区域水土流失已达到极强度侵蚀,土壤侵蚀模数高达9000t/(km2·a)以上,沟壑密度2km/km2,植被盖度仅为15%。镶黄旗敖古特勒经调查分析是该旗水土流失严重区域的典型代表,对这一区域的自然因素和人为因素对水土流失的影响进行了测试分析,主要研究了降雨、坡度、坡长、植被因素对土壤侵蚀的影响关系;人类生息活动、畜牧业生产活动对土壤侵蚀的影响。在水土流失影响因素分析的基础上,根据治理措施测试分析结果,提出了其综合治理模式。 The water and soil erosion in the Yellow River Banner is very serious with the area of ​​soil erosion accounting for 44% of the total area of ​​the flag. Soil erosion has reached extremely intensive erosion in some areas, soil erosion modulus is over 9000t / (km2 · a), gully density is 2km / km2, and vegetation coverage is only 15%. The investigation and analysis of Xianggui Aigutela is a typical representative of the serious soil erosion in this area, and the influences of natural factors and human factors on the soil and water loss in this area are tested and analyzed. The main research is on rainfall, slope, slope length, Impacts of Vegetation on Soil Erosion; Effects of Human Living and Livestock Production on Soil Erosion. Based on the analysis of the influencing factors of soil and water loss, according to the test and analysis results of governance measures, the integrated governance mode is put forward.
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