房之介 房之洞 中国房介忧思录

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2003年11月上旬,北京发生了一起震惊全国的事件:首批“放心中介”坚石房地产经纪公司“人间蒸发”! 北京首批“放心中介”,北京市康价租房指定机构,连续三年被评为先进单位,注册资金1000万,下设12家分支机构,总部营业大厅400余平方米,100多名员工的北京坚石房地产经纪公司突然在一夜之间“人去楼空”,房主租户求助无门。2003年11月10日,是坚石房地产经纪公司承诺付给房主租金的日子。一大早,200多住房主到公司来拿租金,谁知赶到时,坚石公司的大楼已经人去楼空,而且公司法人也已更换。坚石公司的欺骗手段并不复杂。它让房东房客背靠背,许诺高额的租金让房东将房交出,再用极低的价格租给房客,其中差价每月上千元。同时,让房客立即交付8个月至1年的房款, 再许诺房东两个月后付给租金,这样,在这两个月时间,骗取大量钱财而后消失。据估计,北京市有上千人被骗,破骗金额高达数百万元。 In the first ten days of November 2003, an incident that stormed the country occurred in Beijing: the first group of “assured intermediaries” Jianshi Real Estate Brokerage Co., Ltd. was the first “assured intermediary” in Beijing and the appointed agency of renting houses in Beijing for three consecutive years Was rated as advanced unit, the registered capital of 10 million, under the 12 branches, the headquarters of more than 400 square meters hall, more than 100 employees of Beijing Jianshi real estate brokerage firm suddenly overnight, “people went to the floor empty,” room The main tenant without help. November 10, 2003 is the day Cassi Stone real estate brokerage firm promised to pay homeowners rent. Early in the morning, more than 200 homeowners came to the company to rent, and no one knew when the firm was already empty and the company’s legal person was replaced. Jian Shi’s deception is not complicated. It allows the landlord tenant back to back, promised high rent so that the landlord will hand over the room, and then rented to the tenants at very low prices, the difference of a thousand dollars a month. At the same time, allow tenants to pay real estate for eight months to one year, and then promise that the landlord pay the rent two months later. In this two-month period, large amounts of money are defrauded and then disappear. It is estimated that thousands of people in Beijing were deceived and the amount of fraud was up to several million yuan.
目的:比较白内障手术双眼接受散光矫正型多焦点人工晶状体与普通多焦点人工晶状体(MIOL)植入后双眼全程视力(远视力5 m,中视力60 cm,近视力33 cm)及单眼全程视力。方法:回顾性
2007年8月30日,是北京市第三中学开学的日子,在那么多的高一新生里,一个熟悉的面孔引起了我们的注意。他就是电视剧《家有儿女》中刘星的扮演者张一山。  如今,半年的时间过去了。“刘星”的高中生活过得怎么样呢?    片断一:学习和考试    北京三中对学习要求很严。在前段时间举行的第一次月考中,一山的成绩不是特别理想。所以,这一阵,一山一直在三中上课,潜心学习,恶补文化课程。  11月8日和11