世界卫生组织宣称,人的健康长寿10%取决于社会因素,8%取决于医疗条件,7%取决于气候因素,而60%取决于自己。有的专家提出,这60%中致少有一半取决于一个人的心态。下面分别阐述如下: 知足与长寿。天津社科院和河北省妇联对河北省200多名90岁以上的长寿老人问卷调查表明:绝大部分老人认为,他们长寿的主要原因是对现实生
WHO claims that 10% of people’s health and longevity depend on social factors, 8% depend on medical conditions, 7% depend on climate factors and 60% depend on themselves. Some experts suggest that less than half of these 60% will depend on one’s attitude. The following are described as follows: contentment and longevity. Tianjin Academy of Social Sciences and Hebei Women’s Federation on Hebei Province, more than 200 elderly people over the age of 90 survey showed that: the vast majority of elderly people think that their main reason for longevity is the real life