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人类生活在现实社会中,不可避免地面临处理各式各样的决策问题。小到个人,大到企业或事业单位,乃至政府机构,都离不开决策,一项决策的成败关系重大。但是,由于客观环境的复杂性,个人思维方式的局限性和知识结构的有限性,一个人或一个群体进行决策后产生的后果,往... Human life in the real world, inevitably faces a wide range of decision-making issues. As small as an individual, as large as enterprises or institutions, and even government agencies, can not do without the decision, the success or failure of a decision is of great importance. However, due to the complexity of the objective environment, the limitation of the individual way of thinking and the limitation of the knowledge structure, the consequences of a person or a group after making a decision, to ...
一位领导人必须具备富有感染力的乐观主义精神和面对困难百折不回的决心。……自制力也是他性格中必不可少的组成部分。 一个真正的领导人还必须能够控制,并最终把握住他周
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A wide variety of symptoms and diseases of the upper aerodigestive tract are associated to gastro-oesophageal reflux disease(GORD). These disorders comprise a l
AIM: To investigate whether dimethyl sulfoxide(DMSO) inhibits gut inflammation and barrier dysfunction following zymosan-induced systemic inflammatoryresponse s
不知从什么时候起,一些行政事业单位的领导者开始被下属称为“老板”。当然,这种称谓相信多出于玩笑,但是,现实生活中确实有些人存在着“老板”意识、“老板”作风。 如果说在计
We report a case of intravenous(IV) amiodarone drug induced liver injury(DILI).The patient received IV N-acetylcysteine(NAC) which resulted in a rapid improveme