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好风如水,月夜寻歌,偶得妙曲,名日《忘川》。凄婉空灵,如彼岸鲛人对月缥缈空吟,念已逝年华与不灭情谊。白云苍狗,沧海桑田,曲中二人竟不复相见,然二人之友谊却如望穿秋水般绵长隽永,“我一觉醒转/你一定就在彼岸沏一壶茶/等一树桃花。”感二人之情深,我不免三更无眠,一朝梦醒思绪翻飞。闻此曲,愈觉不忍负这无痕风月,望吾友等巧笑容颜,庆幸转瞬疏离未临吾身。遂悟得:忘川彼岸途,十里桃林下,有朋复坐 Good wind like water, moonlight looking song, even magical song, the name of “forget the river.” Euphemistically ethereal, such as the people on the other side of the Moon 缥 缈 empty Yin, read the love affair and immortal friendship. Baiyun Canggugang, the sea of ​​music, the song actually two people do not see each other, but the friendship of the two is as long as wearing autumn-like long meaningful, “I wake up / you must make a pot of tea on the other side of the river / a tree peach. ”Feelings of the deep feelings of two people, I can not help but three sleepless, once woke up thinking fly. Smell this song, the more can not bear the indefecgressive moon, hope my friends and other co-smiles, fortunate to alienation imminent Wu Wu body. Enlightenment then: forget the other side of the river, ten miles Peach Lin, a friend to sit
初步观察统计非典型肺炎病人潜伏期一般在1~12 d,大多数在4~5 d发病。病人通常以发热(体温38℃以上)为首发症状,多为高热,并可持续1~2周左右,可伴有寒战或其他症状,包括头痛、
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AIM:To investigate the association between thepolymorphism of HLA-DRB1,-DQA1 and -DQB1 alleles andviral hepatitis B.METHODS:HLA-DRB1,-DQA1 and -DQB1 alleles in
1.发病人群 2003年3月11日至2003年6月18日间,北京佑安医院感染科收治的大多数病人既往身体健康,少数病人既往合并高血压冠心病、肝硬化、糖尿病、肾功能不全、慢性支气管炎
Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) is a serious disease with many puzzling features. We present a simple, dynamic model to assess the epidemic potential o
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