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  Walking through the Atlantic coastal forests of Brazil in the morning is like eavesdropping[偷听] on a toucan[巨嘴鸟] symphony[交响曲]. Each produces its own unique sound to cut through the auditory[听觉的] clutter[混乱]. But over the past century, the toucans have been disappearing. Hunting, farming, logging[伐木]—it’s all taken a big toll[产生负面影响] on toucans.
  With fewer and fewer birds, the toucan symphony is down to a murmur[低语]. They’re just about gone from many parts of the forest. And it appears that their disappearance kickstarted[(比喻)强劲推动] a whole evolutionary[进化的] change in the forest itself, particularly in its palm trees.
  According to research in the journal Science, this is what happened. The dominant[占优势的] palm tree depends on birds to eat its fruit and then defecate[通便] the seeds somewhere, so it will germinate[发芽] and grow a new tree.
  Mauro Galetti is a biologist at the Estadual Paulista University in Brazil. He says toucans play a big part in this reproductive[生殖的] process[过程].
  Mauro Galetti: These large birds, they have an extremely important role in the forest not only because they disperse[散播] seeds, but because they disperse large seeds.
  The largest palm seeds, some the size of marbles[弹球], are too big for most birds to eat except for those big-mouthed toucans. So as the toucans disappeared, the palms that made big seeds were out of luck—no seed dispersers[分散器]. Meanwhile, the palms that were
  genetically[从遗传学角度] disposed[处理] to make small seeds did just fine; in fact, they thrived[茁壮成长] and started to dominate[占优势] the forest. Galetti: The extinction[灭绝] of large birds changed the evolution of this palm.
  Now, humans have always been messing with[干扰] nature. When we cut down forests or prairie[大草原], or when we over-hunt, we change the mix of plants and animals. But in this case,humans actually altered[改变] the genetic makeup[组成] of a wild palm tree population, in just a century, by accident.
  So what happens if these small-seed palms eventually[最后] take over? Well, it turns out that smaller seeds aren’t so good. They dry up and die faster in hot, dry weather. And scientists predict[预言] that climate change will make parts of Brazil hotter and drier, so much so that these palms could be in trouble.
  Galetti: The impacts[冲击] on the forest can be quite dramatic[戏剧性的] because several animal species[种类] depends, rely on this palm for food.
  About 60 species of animals, in fact. So the take-home[实际得到的] message is: As the toucan goes, so goes the forest.
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