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一个长得很有味道的女人坐火车 来到了意大利米兰。她找到好 朋友查罗。查罗从事色情业,每天晚上打 扮成女人在米兰街头卖春。她跟着查罗 也去卖春。查罗把她介绍给皮条客凯琳, 凯琳见她姿色不错,便把她收下了。 一天,她去勾引一个坐在小车里的 中年男子。中年男子一开始拒绝她。后 来,还是把她搂人怀中。中年男子忘情地 把手伸向她的私处,突然,他像触了电一 样地缩回了手,愤怒地把她下了车。 这时,我才明白,她原来是一个男 人。 十九岁的巴西男子费尔南达,起名 普林歇莎,他从巴西来到意大利,是想赚 钱给自己做变性手术。他不像查罗,是一 个同性恋者;他也不像查罗,陷入卖淫中 而不能自拔,他仅仅是想把这一行当当 作挣钱的手段,来实现他做女人的人生 理想。 A very tasteful woman came by train to Milan, Italy. She found good friend Charro. Charro engaged in the sex industry, every night dressed as a woman in the streets selling spring in Milan. She followed Charo to sell spring. Charlot introduced her to pimp Kailin, Keailin saw her good looks, then took her down. One day, she seduced a middle-aged man sitting in a small car. Middle-aged man first rejected her. Later, still hug her arms. A middle-aged man stretched out his hand to her private part. Suddenly, he retracted her hand as if she had been electrocuted, and got her out of the car angrily. At this moment, I realized that she was a man. Fernanda, a 19-year-old Brazilian man who named Principe Sara, traveled from Brazil to Italy to make money to make her own transsexual surgery. He is not like Charro, a homosexual; he is not like Charro, into prostitution and can not extricate themselves, he just want to treat this line as a means of making money, to achieve his dream of a woman's life.
Driving safety is of utmost importance in the automobile industry and is acknowledged by the introduction of the tire wet grip index as part of the EU tire labe
一直埋头于工作的郑洞 天,影片也有一打了, 可是没几部能给人留下 深刻的印象。小字辈的俺对他的影 片总体上的感觉就如同吃一碗清水 煮面条,铆足了劲,憋一头汗,吃 完了,抹
Alvanced Miao Devices公司已经推出具有3DNow!技术的AMD K6-3处理器。400MHz K6-3投入批量供应,450MHz K6-3样品也已向客户提供。 针对二月二十六日上市的Pentium Ⅲ,AMD说,
电脑动画原理 大家小时候一定玩过这样的游戏吧?上课听累了,就拿出厚厚的语文书,在每页的页角都画一只小猫或小兔子的不同动作,然后捧起书以极快的速度翻动书页……小猫咪活
Last August I spent three days wandering inand out of the Sydney Opera House during mystay in Sydney.I was fascinated.I also learnedthe dramatic story of the wo
他在洛杉矶的帕特里夏·劳福德的家再次与梦露相遇,从此梦露使用化名给他打电话。曾经梦幻般地告诉她的朋友 M·J·韦瑟利,说她也许会再婚,对方是华盛顿政界的要人,但没透露姓名。