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[目的]运用胃肠疾病中医证候评分表作为检测工具,观察金龙蛇颗粒对胃癌术后患者生存质量的影响。[方法]纳入胃癌术后患者103例,运用随机双盲安慰剂对照的方法,分为金龙蛇颗粒组(56例)、安慰剂组(47例)。2组同时接受6个疗程华蟾素注射液加黄芪注射液的基础治疗(华蟾素注射液,20ml,静滴,1次/d;黄芪注射液,20ml,静滴,1次/d),金龙蛇组在此基础上加服金龙蛇颗粒(39g,餐后口服,3次/d),安慰剂组加服用安慰剂(39g,餐后口服,3次/d);每疗程30d。2组均在每疗程治疗第1、10天分别应用胃肠疾病中医证候评分表进行测评。[结果]金龙蛇颗粒组与安慰剂组在干预前胃肠疾病中医证候评分表得分数据都近似为正态分布,应用独立样本t检验方法检测显示2组差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。随着治疗时间的推移,2组胃肠疾病中医证候评分均呈下降趋势,但金龙蛇颗粒组下降幅度大于安慰剂组(P<0.01)。[结论]金龙蛇颗粒可有效改善胃癌术后患者的生存质量。 [Objective] To evaluate the effect of Jinlongshe granule on the quality of life of postoperative patients with gastric cancer by using the TCM syndrome rating scale of gastrointestinal diseases as a testing tool. [Methods] 103 patients with postoperative gastric cancer were enrolled in this study. They were divided into Jinlongshe Granule group (56 cases) and placebo group (47 cases) by randomized double-blind placebo control. The two groups received 6 courses of basic treatment of cinobufagin injection combined with Astragalus injection (Cinobufotalin injection, 20ml, intravenous drip, 1 time / d; astragalus injection, 20ml, intravenous drip, 1 time / d) On the basis, the Jinlong snake group added Jinlongshe granule (39g, after oral administration, 3 times / d), placebo plus placebo (39g, postprandial, 3 times daily) for 30 days. The 2 groups were treated on the 1st and 10th day of each course of treatment by applying the TCM Syndrome Score Table of Gastrointestinal Diseases respectively. [Results] The results of Jinlongshe granule group and placebo group showed that the score of TCM syndrome score of gastrointestinal disease before intervention was approximately normal distribution. There was no significant difference between the two groups in the application of independent sample t test (P> 0.05 ). With the passage of treatment time, the scores of TCM syndromes of two groups of gastrointestinal diseases showed a decreasing trend, but the decoction of Jinlongshe Granules decreased more than the placebo group (P <0.01). [Conclusion] Jinlongshe granules can effectively improve the quality of life of postoperative patients with gastric cancer.
车型:奥迪C7,发动机和变速器型号分别为CDZ、0B1。  VIN:LFV5A24G7D3××××××。行驶里程:53286km。  故障现象:C7仪表黄色气囊灯亮,并且打转向的时候生涩,有点沉。
一辆2010款帕萨特新领驭,搭载1.8T发动机,德国ZF产01V自动变速器,行驶里程110311km,因变速器手动模式不能使用报修。接车后首先确认  故障现象,发现确如客户所述,在行车时将换挡
车型:一辆2010年产尼桑 GT - R,车架号为JN1AR5EFXAM××××××,搭载日产脱胎换骨的VQ系列发动机的进化版:VR38DETT。3.8L排量V6双涡轮增压(如图1所示),该车采用了许多VQ系列发动
磁性纳米颗粒是指具有磁性核心的纳米颗粒,最常见的磁性核心是氧化铁(Fe_3O_4或γ—Fe_2O_3)。根据其组成成分和形态不同有超顺磁性氧化铁(Superparamagnetic iron oxides,SP
故障现象:一辆2004年4月产SC7130羚羊车,搭载铃木1.3L 全铝单顶置凸轮16气门多点喷射电控汽油发动机和5速手动变速器,行驶里程约131700km。该车因发动机故障灯(check)经常报警而报