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为加强对中国艾滋病防治工作的支持,“辉瑞·中国”日前公布了一项在工作场所禁忌歧视HIV病毒携带者和艾滋病患者的公司政策。这项政策规定了在其工作场所禁止歧视和骚扰任何HIV病毒携带者和艾滋病患者身份的员工、家属或工作申请者;如果有员工的HIV检测呈阳性,辉瑞公司将提供包括抗逆转录酶病毒疗法和抗感染疗法等在内的必要医疗救助,确保员工获得治疗和保持较长时间的劳动能力。同时,辉瑞还在公司内部大力开展防治HIV/艾滋病的综合健康教育活动,为员工提供良好的工作环境以确保员工的健康。今年7月,卫生部副部长王陇德在会见美国辉瑞公司高层领导时对这项政策给予了赞赏(见卫生部网站)。 In order to strengthen its support for AIDS prevention and control in China, Pfizer China recently announced a company policy that taboo discrimination against HIV carriers and AIDS patients in the workplace. This policy provides for employees, dependents or job applicants that prohibit discrimination and harassment of any HIV-positive persons and AIDS patients at their workplaces. If an HIV test is positive for employees, Pfizer will provide information on anti-retroviruses Treatment and anti-infective therapy, including the necessary medical assistance to ensure that employees receive treatment and to maintain a longer period of work capacity. At the same time, Pfizer is also vigorously developing a comprehensive health education campaign against HIV / AIDS in the company to provide employees with a good working environment to ensure the health of employees. In July this year, Wang Longde, Vice Minister of Health, paid a tribute to this policy when meeting with top leaders of Pfizer in the United States (see Ministry of Health website).
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加拿大武装部队目前执行着庞大的全国青少年军事训练计划。该计划由国防部统一领导,各军区具体负责实施。参加训练的青少年被称为“学兵”。学兵分陆、海、空三 The Canadi
每年1月的第三个星期一,美国全国放假,因为这天是马丁·路德·金的生日。说到放假是不是来精神了?请保持这个状态,听我从这位黑人运动领袖说起。  当马丁·路德·金在林肯纪念堂前慷慨激昂地演说《我有一个梦想》时,华盛顿还是美国种族歧视最严重的地方。遥不可及的梦想,都有实现的可能。  成事在人  电影《成事在人》选择了一个别致的角度来展现曼德拉的伟大:尽管在狱中他曾对英式橄榄球这项“殖民者的运动”深恶痛绝
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