践行“同心”思想 宣传“营改增”政策——中国注册税务师同心服务团首次举办大型专业公益活动

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2013年11月8日,由中国注册税务师同心服务团主办的“‘营改增’100天我们共同关注——同心税收大讲堂首次大型专业性公益活动”在北京举行。正值全国范围内推开交通运输业和部分现代服务业“营改增”试点100天之际,中国注册税务师同心服务团举办此次活动,旨在践行“同心”思想,宣传税收政策,为注册税务师行业和纳税人之间提供一个沟通交流的平台,切实履行社会责任,促进经济发展。此次活动由中国注册税务师协会副会长兼秘书长、中国注册税务师同心服务团团长李林军主持。参 On November 8, 2013, the seminar titled “100 Years of VAT Reimbursement and 100 Days of Organizational Change” organized by the Chinese CTA Concentric Service Regiment focuses on the first large-scale professional public welfare activity held by the Concentric Tax Auditorium in Beijing. At a time when a pilot program of “reforming the business camps and increasing profits” was launched nationwide within 100 days of the pilot launch of the transportation industry and part of the modern service industry, the CTA of China conducted this activity with the aim of practicing the “concentric” idea , Publicize the tax policy, provide a platform for the communication between CTAs and taxpayers, and earnestly fulfill their social responsibilities and promote economic development. The event was chaired by Li Linjun, vice president and secretary general of the Chinese Institute of Certified Tax Agents and head of the Chinese CTA Concentric Service Group. Participation
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