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近年来,沈阳市技术改造工作坚持“以开放促改革、促改组、促改造、促发展”的方针,围绕加速老企业改造、焕发老工业基地青春这一主题,进行了不懈的努力和探索。 1、在“八五”规划指导下,重新编制老工业基地改造规划 为加速沈阳老工业基地改造,沈阳市编制了老工业基地改造规划,并经过国际工程咨询公司的评估认可。规划中共包括109个技改项目,总投资22.7亿元。三年来,国家共安排市老工业改造贷款11.75亿元。在安排这笔资金时,坚持对重点行业、重点产品倾斜,对效益好的项目倾斜,向大中型企业倾斜的“三倾斜”原 In recent years, Shenyang City has made unremitting efforts and exploration in its technical transformation work based on the principle of “accelerating reform through reform and opening up, promoting reform, promoting reform and promoting development” and around the theme of accelerating the transformation of old enterprises and rejuvenating the old industrial bases. 1. Under the guidance of the “Eighth Five-Year Plan”, the plan of reforming old industrial bases will be reorganized. In order to speed up the transformation of Shenyang’s old industrial bases, Shenyang City has prepared a plan for the reconstruction of old industrial bases and has been assessed and approved by international engineering consulting companies. The planning of the CPC includes 109 technological transformation projects with a total investment of 2.27 billion yuan. In the past three years, the state has arranged a total of 1.15 billion yuan of loans for industrial transformation of the old city. In arranging this fund, we insisted on leaning on key industries and key products, favoring projects that benefit the economy, and “three leans” to large and medium-sized enterprises
最近看到“锻压技术”1978.№4刊载的“关于双动复合模及其新系列双动油压机的设想”一文,认为作者提供的参考资料是可取的。在此谈几点看法与作者商讨。 1.“新系列”(对该
穆图——意甲最佳闪击英伦个人档案国籍:罗马尼亚出生:1979年1月8日身高/体重:1996/97 Arges 5 01997/98 Arges 21 41998/99 Arges 15 7布加勒斯特迪莫 15 41999/00 布加勒
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