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大学生是国家的未来和希望,他们正处于全面发展的关键阶段,但是目前我国大学生的身体和心理健康状况不容乐观。随着网络的多元化、网络社会和网络游戏等活动的盛行,使得部分大学生沉迷在其中不能自拔,自身又缺乏足够的户外运动和体育锻炼,从而使身心健康的问题更加突出。如何使大学生早日从问题状态中走出来,是目前高校教育面临的一个重要难题。因此,大学生身心健康的发展,需要社会更多的关注和研究。通过在高校开展定向和测向运动综合项目课,可以有效的改善大学生的课余生活和思维方式,有助于身心健康的发展。 College students are the country’s future and hope. They are in the crucial stage of all-round development. But at present, the physical and mental health of college students in our country is not optimistic. With the diversification of networks, the prevalence of online social activities and online games, some college students indulge in them, and lack of sufficient outdoor sports and physical exercise so that physical and mental health problems become more prominent. How to make college students emerge from the problem state as soon as possible is one of the most important problems facing college education. Therefore, the development of college students’ physical and mental health needs more attention and research from the society. Through the orientation and direction measurement in universities to carry out integrated courses, can effectively improve college students’ after-school life and ways of thinking, contribute to the development of physical and mental health.
中国实验快堆(CEFR)的热功率为65 MW,试验发电功率为20 MW,首炉燃料使用UO_2,采用堆本体池式结构和钠-钠-水三回路热传输系统,并首次设立独立的非能动事故余热排出系统。2015
This study designed and manufactured a plutonium on-line instrument,set up an analysis method,developed software for control and analysis.The instrument capabil
1反应堆运行情况按照中国先进研究堆(CARR)运行室2015年度工作计划,CARR本年度申请运行共计12次,在不同功率水平下累计运行25d,最大稳定运行功率为56 MW,总释放能量约201 MW
放射性气溶胶监测仪用于监测从核设施排放的放射性物质浓度或总量,从而评价是否符合国家规定的排放限值或特定的目标值,同时也能为工艺操作提供有关的运行数据。GB 7165.1、G
The study established the distribution coefficient database of HNO3,U(Ⅵ),U(Ⅳ),Pu(Ⅲ),Pu(Ⅵ),Np(Ⅳ),Np(Ⅴ),Np(Ⅵ),Tc,Zr,Ru and HNO2.Based on the distribution c