
来源 :河北农业 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhpf
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近年来 ,随着群众消费水平的提高 ,果实品质 ,尤其是外观品质越来越受到重视 ,而苹果表面不着色或不完全着色 ,则会严重影响果实外观品质和降低经济价值。那么除生长期进行套袋、摘叶、转果、铺反光膜 ,喷布植物生长调节剂和少许磷、钾肥等措施可使果实增色外。在采前和采后还 In recent years, with the improvement of people’s consumption level, the fruit quality, especially the appearance quality has been paid more and more attention, while the apple surface is not colored or not completely colored, it will seriously affect the appearance quality and economic value of the fruit. So in addition to bagging during growth, pick leaves, turn fruit, shop reflective film, spray plant growth regulator and a little phosphorus, potash and other measures can make the fruit color. In the pre-harvest and post-harvest also