依法授权 规范运行 优化中小学集团化学校治理体系

来源 :中小学管理 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xuzhoucumt
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对北京市中小学集团化学校的发展和治理体系现状进行分析。从行政区划、法人治理结构、产生方式、治理运行权力来源四个维度,对中小学集团化学校进行分类,介绍其治理机构和运行模式,提出集团化学校治理的主要问题。从法理逻辑、行政逻辑、治理逻辑、文化逻辑和经济逻辑五个角度,分析中小学集团化学校治理的理论逻辑,并提出政策建议。如建立基于法理或政策依据的授权机制;统一治理模式,规范治理权限;建立绩效督导评价和激励机制;将集团化学校治理纳入《学校法》研制范畴。 The status quo of the development and governance system of the primary and secondary schools in Beijing is analyzed. From the four aspects of the administrative divisions, the structure of corporate governance, the ways of production, and the sources of power of governance and operation, the collectivization schools in primary and secondary schools are classified into four categories, and their governance structures and operation modes are introduced. The main problems of collectivization school governance are put forward. From the perspectives of jurisprudential logic, administrative logic, governing logic, cultural logic and economic logic, this paper analyzes the theoretical logic of the collectivized school governance in primary and secondary schools and puts forward policy suggestions. Such as the establishment of legal authority or policy based on the authorization mechanism; unified governance model, regulate governance authority; establish performance supervision and evaluation and incentive mechanism; group school governance into the “school law” research areas.
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