
来源 :汽车技术 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xiao12112
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一九八五年即将过去了。在新的一年即将到来的时候,编辑部全体同志向广大订户、者、作者及经常关心编辑部工作的各方面人士表示衷心的谢意。《汽车技术》杂志是一种中级技术期刊(月刊),以报导应用技术为主,贯彻普及与提高并重的方针,宣传有关技术政策。汽车及发动机产品的更新换代;提高、稳定产品质量的方法汽车及发动机总成和零部件的设计、计算、试验、测试方法;汽车及发动机零部件的制造工艺,材料的研究及选用,工装设备的设计、制造和使用;汽车及发动机的使用、维修和保养;降低 It is about to be passed in 1985. As the new year is approaching, all the editors of the editorial department express their heart-felt thanks to the broad masses of subscribers, authors, and people from all walks of life who are always concerned about the work of the editorial department. Automotive Technology magazine is a mid-level technical journal (monthly) reporting on the application of technology and implementing the principle of equalization and promotion, and publicizing the relevant technical policies. Replacement of automobiles and engine products; ways to improve and stabilize product quality Design, calculation, testing and test methods of automobile and engine assembly and parts; research and selection of manufacturing process and materials of automobile and engine parts and components, tooling equipment Design, manufacture and use; use and maintenance of motor vehicles and engines; reduction
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