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妊娠高血压综合征(以下简称妊高征)是产科常见病,至今病因不明,因而缺乏有效的预测手段和防治措施,严重威胁着母婴健康。当前认为,正常的生殖免疫机能紊乱可能是其发生、发展的原因,但二者的关系尚未完全明了。近年来,有外国学者做了一些试验研究分析,试图从妊高征患者血清及胎盘中各种细胞因子水平的变化入手,揭示妊高征的免疫发病机制。 1 肿瘤坏死因子(TNF) 肿瘤坏死因子是可溶性细胞免疫的肽类介质,对蛋白酶敏感,不耐酸、热,可由巨噬细胞、T细胞、胸腺细胞、B细胞、自然杀伤细胞对各种刺激发生反应时产生。TNF一方面与正常的生理功能有关,如参加免疫调节、细胞生长、分化的调节,与凝血及内皮功能有关。另一方面参与一些病理过程,如参与感染、肿瘤细胞毒性、内毒索性休克等病理过程,以及引起组织损伤。肿瘤坏死因子引起的组织损伤即可直接通过蛋白酶、胶原酶或磷脂酶A_2发生,也可以通过氧自由基发生作用。 Pregnancy-induced hypertension (hereinafter referred to as PIH) is a common obstetric disease, so far etiology, and therefore the lack of effective means of prediction and prevention measures, a serious threat to maternal and child health. It is currently believed that normal reproductive immune dysfunction may be the cause of its occurrence and development, but the relationship between the two is not fully understood. In recent years, some foreign scholars have done some experimental research and analysis, attempting to start from the changes of serum and placenta in patients with PIH, and revealing the immune pathogenesis of PIH. Tumor necrosis factor (TNF) Tumor necrosis factor is a soluble peptide immunogenic peptide medium, sensitive to protease, acid and heat, by macrophages, T cells, thymocytes, B cells, natural killer cells on a variety of stimuli Reaction time. TNF on the one hand with the normal physiological functions, such as participation in immune regulation, cell growth, differentiation regulation, and coagulation and endothelial function. On the other hand involved in some pathological processes, such as involvement in infection, tumor cytotoxicity, endotoxic shock and other pathological processes, and cause tissue damage. Tumor necrosis factor-induced tissue damage can be directly through the protease, collagenase or phospholipase A 2 occurs, but also through the role of oxygen free radicals.
妊娠期间摄入咖啡因影响2例报告[英]/editor∥NutrResNewslett.-1998,17(4).-2~3大量摄入咖啡因与婴儿猝死综合征1987~1990年进行的新西兰儿童病床死亡研究(CotDeathStudy)研究对象为393名死于婴儿... 2 cases of caffeine intake during pregnancy
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