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第一、实行义务兵役制符合于我国国防建设的需要和广大人民的要求随着国防建设的发展,中国人民解放军将由志愿兵制改变为义务兵役制,这是我们国家在军事制度上的一个重大的改革。这一改革是以人民民主革命在全国的胜利、全国人民普遍提高的爱国主义热情和现代化的国防建设的需要为根据的。这是关系着祖国的安全和全国人民切身利益的一件大事。中国人民解放军从一九二七年八月一日诞生以来,长期地都是资行志愿兵制。中国人民军队的志愿兵制是与资本主义国家和国民党反动派的雇佣兵制根本不同的。我们的志愿兵是在中国共产党的号召和领导下,有着高度政治觉悟,为了中国人民奉命的事业,不计较个人的待遇,不怕牺牲而英勇奋斗的中国人民的优秀儿女。中国人民车队具备着这样一种政治素质,它的一切成员,无论是士兵和干部,从他们自愿参军的一天起,就下定了决心为人民革命事业奋斗到底,把在人民军队中服务看成是革命的职业,愿意在军队中一直服务到他们不能继续服务的时候为止。许多先烈在革命战争中付出了他们的生命,他们不朽的功勋永远记载在人民的历史上;许多同志在长期的战争中身体受到了损伤和折磨,但他们今天仍然同青年们一样受着中国人民革命胜利的鼓舞,仍然是竭尽他们所有的精力兢兢业业地继续为把我们伟大的祖国建设成社会主义国家而努力奋斗。我们人民的志愿兵把个人的利益, First, the compulsory military service system complies with the needs of our national defense construction and the needs of the broad masses of people. With the development of national defense, the Chinese People's Liberation Army will be transformed from voluntary military service into compulsory military service. This is a major issue for our country in the military system reform. This reform is based on the victory of the people's democratic revolution in the entire country, the general increase in the patriotic enthusiasm of the people throughout the country and the need for a modern national defense building. This is a major event that concerns the security of the motherland and the immediate interests of the people throughout the country. Since the birth of the Chinese People's Liberation Army on August 1, 1927, the PLA has long been a voluntary volunteer system for capital funds. The voluntary service system of the Chinese people's army is fundamentally different from the mercenary system of the reactionaries of the capitalist countries and the Kuomintang. Our volunteers are the outstanding children of the Chinese people who, under the call and leadership of the Communist Party of China, have a high degree of political awareness, are committed to the cause of the Chinese people, and are not afraid of sacrificing their personal bravery despite their personal treatment. The Chinese people's motorcade possesses such a political quality that all its members, both soldiers and cadres, determined from the day when they volunteered to join the army that they worked hard to accomplish the cause of the people's revolution and regarded the service in the People's Army as Revolutionary profession, willing to serve in the army until they can not continue their service. Many martyrs paid their lives in the revolutionary war. Their immortal merits are forever recorded in the history of the people. Many comrades have suffered and tortured their bodies in protracted wars, but today they are still affected by the Chinese people as young people today The inspiration of the revolutionary victory is still to spare no efforts in continuing to devote all our energies to building our great motherland into a socialist country with due diligence and dedication. The volunteers of our people regard personal interests,
众所周知,美国军事将领中最高的军衔是五星上将。自美国实行此军衔制以来,已出现了不少五星将花,其中有4位海军五星上将,他们是: As we all know, the highest rank in the