A long-term in situ calibration system for chemistry analysis of seawater

来源 :Journal of Zhejiang University-Science A(Applied Physics & E | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gongjuntao
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An in situ calibration system is a versatile exploration instrument for electrochemical sensors investigating the biochemical properties of the marine environment. The purpose of this paper is to describe the design of an auto-calibrating system for electrochemical (pH) sensors, which permits two-point in situ calibration, suitable for long-term measurement in deep sea aqueous environments. Holding multiple sensors, the instrument is designed to perform long-term measurements and in situ calibrations at abyssal depth (up to 4000 m). The instrument is composed of a compact fluid control system which is pressure-equilibrated and designed for deep-sea operation. In situ calibration capability plays a key role in the quality and reproducibility of the data. This paper focuses on methods for extending the lifetime of the instrument, considering the fluidics design, mechanical design, and low-power consumption of the electronics controller. The instrument can last 46 d under normal operating conditions, fulfilling the need for long-term operation. Data concerning pH measured during the KNOX18RR cruise (Mid-Atlantic Ridge, July-August, 2008) illustrate the desirable properties of the instrument. Combined with different electrodes (pH, H2, H2S, etc.), it should be of great utility for the study of deep ocean environments, including water column and diffuse-flow hydrothermal fluids. An in situ calibration system is a versatile exploration instrument for electrochemical sensors investigating the biochemical properties of the marine environment. The purpose of this paper is to describe the design of an auto-calibrating system for electrochemical (pH) sensors, which permits two-point Holding multiple sensors, the instrument is designed to perform long-term measurements and in situ calibrations at abyssal depth (up to 4000 m). The instrument is composed of a compact fluid control system which is pressure-equilibrated and designed for deep-sea operation. In situ calibration capability plays a key role in the quality and reproducibility of the data. This paper focuses on methods for extending the lifetime of the instrument, considering the fluidics design, mechanical design, and low-power consumption of the electronics controller. The instrument can last 46 d under normal operating conditions, fulfilling the need for long-term operation. Data concerning pH measured during the KNOX18RR cruise (Mid-Atlantic Ridge, July-August, 2008) illustrate the desirable properties of the instrument. Combined with different electrodes (pH, H2, etc.), it should be of great utility for the study of deep ocean environments, including water column and diffuse-flow hydrothermal fluids.
病历摘要  患者女,29岁,已婚,主因发作性晨起头晕乏力5年,加重1年于2002年6月2日入北京协和医院内分泌科.患者于1997年起偶于晨起时出现头晕乏力,伴有心悸,进食后缓解,以后症状逐渐加重,发作越来越频繁,每5~6天就发作一次,表现为早晨呈昏睡状态,浑身大汗,唤醒后感软弱乏力,有明显饥饿感,进食或服糖后症状好转,经常吃零食,体重于1997年的55kg每年增加7.5 kg,2001年内增加12
先表一段过时落伍的八卦。  话说有男有女,厮混过十年,后来分开了,男的一去不回头,女的恋恋不舍。二十年之后,终于重逢,当着几千几万人的面,女的问男的:  你到底有没有爱过我?  ——我这连卖关子都算不上,人人都知道我说的是肥肥与秋官。  肥肥最后时刻,他有没有出现也被人惦记着。  前金太太仙逝,金大侠没出现,也没人指着金大侠骂。偏偏谁都不肯原谅秋官。  大概是,他负心汉的形象,实在深入人心吧。  
身为业务主管的他,在家里什么架都能吵,就算是挤牙膏、乱丢袜子之类的小事,都可以和老婆吵上好几天。  有一天,他和老婆一起参加同事的婚宴,老婆听到丈夫所有的同事都向她称赞说,你老公是个好好先生,才气又很高,真的很不错呀。这令她惊讶不已。  惊讶不已,只好苦笑,因为他在家里,绝对不是个好好先生。只要说他几句,他就扯下脸来,一声不吭,若硬逼着他说话,他说出来的话铁定更不好听。他也不会道歉,只想要等她过几
也许是巧合,也许是必然,化学的英语单词“Chernistry”可做如下分解:Chemistry=Chem is try。的确,化学是一门以实验为基础的科学。在化学的发展过程中,许多名家曾对实验的重