Simplified Beam Design for Semi-Rigid Composite Frames at the Serviceability Limit State

来源 :Tsinghua Science and Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:shengli1011
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This paper presents a simplified beam design method for semi-rigid composite frames with vertical loading at the serviceability limit state. Equations were developed to determine the deflections of the com-posite beam allowing for both joint flexibility and beam sectional properties, along with a formula for the connection secant stiffness. The equations for the connection stiffness are more accurate than previous equations used because it considers the beam-to-column stiffness ratio and the beam-to-connection stiffness ratio. The equations were validated by the experimental results for two semi-rigid composite frames. The equations agree well with the experimental data because they take into account the actual beam-to-column connections and the composite action between the steel beam and the concrete slab. This paper presents a simplified beam design method for semi-rigid composite frames with vertical loading at the serviceability limit state. Equations were developed to determine the deflections of the com-posite beam allow for both joint flexibility and beam sectional properties, along with a formula for the connection secant stiffness. The equations for the connection stiffness are more accurate than previous equations used because it considers the beam-to-column stiffness ratio and the beam-to-connection stiffness ratio. The equations were validated by the experimental results for two The equations agree well with the experimental data because they take into account the actual beam-to-column connections and the composite action between the steel beam and the concrete slab.
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