2005 年十堰市孕产妇死亡分析

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目的为了进一步掌握、明确十堰市2005年孕产妇死因及相关因素,以便制定相应的干预措施。方法2005年十堰市三级保健网上报的妇幼卫生统计报表、孕产妇死亡卡、漏报调查表,经质量控制及死亡评审,针对2005年孕产妇死亡率、死因构成及影响因素、死亡孕产妇接受卫生保健情况进行了全面分析。结果2005年孕产妇死亡率为42.81/10万;前三位死因为产科出血、妊娠高血压疾病、妊娠合并内科疾病。可避免死亡占76.93%,创造条件可避免死亡占15.38%,不可避免死亡占7.69%。结论2005年孕产妇死亡以产科出血为首,妊娠高血压疾病第二,为此应加强孕产妇保健管理,提高产科出血抢救技术,加强妊高征的管理,有效地降低孕产妇死亡率,提高母婴健康水平,根据当地实际提出了降低孕产妇死亡率的合理建议和干预措施。 Objective To further understand and clarify the causes of maternal death in Shiyan in 2005 and related factors in order to formulate appropriate interventions. Methods The maternal and child health statistics report, the maternal death card and the omission questionnaire reported by the tertiary health net in Shiyan City in 2005 were reviewed. According to the quality control and death assessment, according to the 2005 maternal mortality rate, the cause of death and its influencing factors, the death of pregnant women A comprehensive analysis of health care access. Results The maternal mortality rate in 2005 was 42.81 / 100,000. The first three deaths were due to obstetric hemorrhage, pregnancy-induced hypertension (BPH) and pregnancy-related medical problems. 76.93% avoidable death, 15.38% avoidable death and 7.69% inevitable death. Conclusion The maternal death in 2005 led by obstetric bleeding and the second in pregnancy-induced hypertension. Therefore, we should strengthen maternal health management, improve obstetric hemorrhage and rescue techniques, strengthen the management of PIH, effectively reduce the maternal mortality rate, The health status of infants, according to local conditions, put forward reasonable suggestions and interventions to reduce the maternal mortality rate.
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