后备干部工作要与社会主义市场经济的新形势要求相适应,结合近年来的初步实践,我们觉得必须围绕以下几方面作进一步的思考和探索。 思考之一:选人的视野要再拓宽。 观念新,眼中时时有新人,视野宽,天涯处处有芳草。在社会主义市场经济条件下,要广开知人选人渠道,搞好人才的深层开发,让各类人才能够真正脱颖而出,必须具备三种选人眼光。 一是要以市场经济的眼光选人。首先要确立开放式的选人机制,树立起行行有状元、层层有人才的观念,切实改变以往党政机关干部党政机关找,经济干部经济部门找的狭隘思维定势;改变少数人选人,在少数人中选人的旧习惯;改变那种脱离实践,不看实绩,一味凭关系、凭印象、凭档案识人选人的老办法,把眼光
The work of reserve cadres should be compatible with the new situation and requirements of the socialist market economy. In the light of the initial practice in recent years, we think we must make further consideration and exploration on the following aspects. One of the reflections: the vision of a candidate should be broadened. New ideas, eyes new people from time to time, wide field of vision, there are herbs everywhere. Under the conditions of a socialist market economy, it is necessary to broaden the channels for enlightening people to choose candidates and doing a good job in the further development of qualified personnel so that all kinds of talents can really stand out. They must have the vision of selecting candidates. First, we must choose the perspective of a market economy. First of all, we must establish an open election mechanism, establish a concept of running a champion and a layer of talented people, and effectively change the narrow-minded mindset that the party and government organs and cadres and the economic departments of the party and government departments looked for in the past; People, the old habits of choosing among a few people; changing the way out of practice, not looking at performance, blindly by relationship, by virtue of the image,