五味子为木兰科植物五味子Schisandra chinensis(Turcz.)Baill.的干燥成熟果实。习称“北五味子”,具有收敛、固涩、益气生津、补肾宁心的作用。五味子多糖(the coarse polysac-charide from Schisandra chinensis,CPSC)是其干燥成熟果实的提取物。现对其制备方法及药理作用作?
Schisandra chinensis is a dry mature fruit of Schisandra chinensis (Turcz.) Baill. It is commonly known as “Northern Schisandra,” which has the effect of astringency, gushi, qi and salivation, and kidney tonic. The coarse polysac-charide from Schisandra chinensis (CPSC) is an extract of its dry mature fruit. Now its preparation method and pharmacological effects?