毛泽东是深受我国各族人民爱戴的伟大领袖。他的一生是为国家的独立富强奋斗不息的一生,是为维护祖国统一和实现民族繁荣而辛勤操劳的一生。他深知国家的统一,人民的团结,国内各民族的团结是我们的事业必定要胜利的基本保证。因此,他对我国的民族问题十分重视,对少数民族上层爱国人士关怀备至。毛泽东与班禅大师的交往就留下了一段可歌可泣的故事。 “希望先生和全西藏爱国人士一致努力,为西藏的解放和汉藏人民的团结而奋斗”
Mao Zedong is a great leader loved by the people of all ethnic groups in our country. His life is a life-long struggle for the country’s independence, prosperity and strength. It is a lifetime hardworking for safeguarding the unity of the motherland and realizing national prosperity. He knows very well that the unification of the country, the unity of the people, and the unity of all ethnic groups in China are the basic guarantees that our cause will surely win. Therefore, he attaches great importance to the ethnic issues in our country and is concerned about the patriots in the upper-class ethnic groups. Mao Zedong and Master Panchen’s exchanges left a epic story. “I hope my husband and all patriotic people in Tibet will make concerted efforts to fight for the liberation of Tibet and the unity of the Tibetan and Tibetan peoples.”