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若格·达勒(Roger Dale)先生1950年出生于英国,当他还年轻的时候,他到了加拿大学习音乐和美术。在那里,他获得了两个美术院校的文凭,并开始了自己的绘画创作生涯。欧美艺术在1950、1960年代正值大众文化、后现代主义和存在主义风起云涌的时候,各种思潮和风格的出现,不断地冲击和颠覆着传统艺术。而此时,世界的政治格局也忙于重新洗牌:二战的伤痕仍历历在目;冷战的阴郁飘荡在各国的政治和意识形态当中。在这样的大背景下,年轻的若格·达勒先生,1977年毕业后,怀着对艺术和生活慷慨的信念,来到了法国的斯特拉斯堡定居。斯特拉斯堡位于德法边境,它有优美的自然风貌,雅致的风俗和朴实的阿尔萨斯人。当然,这里也曾经饱受战争的摧残,但1970年代的斯特拉斯堡收起了它的创痛,正慢慢修复自己。斯特拉斯堡没有国际都会的繁华,却有其独特的魅力。这样的环境使若格·达勒离开了政治上的纷扰,像一个隐士一样潜心于自己的创作,开始了自己朴素而真诚的艺术探索之路。从1979年到现在,若格·达勒一直受聘于斯特拉斯堡装饰艺术学院,教授素描与色彩实验课程;另外,他还在斯特拉斯堡国家戏曲戏剧艺术学院,担任舞台布景课的教学任务。除了教学以外,他把大部分时间都投入到他的风景画的研习中;他绘画布达莱斯城堡公园的安宁,绘画斯特拉斯堡的淳朴,他绘画田园、山水……通过画笔来释放他的情感。风景、自然,成了若格·达勒倾诉和再现的对象,渐渐地,他有了自己表达的风格,也是斯特拉斯堡在他眼中的风格……同样是1979年,若格·达勒先生那些大型的风景写生作品在法国和瑞士的画廊展出。从这年开始,若格·达勒这个名字就一直活跃在欧洲的艺术界至今。他的作品不断地展示于法国和其它国家;也多次参加法国国家文化部在巴黎大皇宫举办的沙龙,以及欧洲各地举办的世界重要大型艺术博览会;与此同时,若格·达勒的作品也被法国、瑞士、德国等众多重要的公共机构与私人收藏。今天,欧洲的艺术经过诸多思潮的冲击后,人们开始回过头来认真地审视传统艺术。但不论艺术界再有如何的风云变幻,若格·达勒先生对艺术的执着和日渐丰富的阅历,使他更坚定自己的观念:关于风景、关于创作、关于艺术修养、关于生命和战争……不久前,我们来到安静美丽的斯特拉斯堡,静静地聆听了若格·达勒先生关于绘画主题、关于他的创作以及观察的方式的独到见解: Mr. Roger Dale, born in England in 1950, traveled to Canada to study music and art when he was young. There, he received diplomas from two art schools and started his own creative career in painting. In the 1950s and 1960s, when European and American art came into popular culture and postmodernism and existentialism were surging, the emergence of various thoughts and styles continued to impact and subvert the traditional art. At the same time, the world’s political pattern is also busy reshuffling: the wounds of World War II are still vivid; the gloom of the Cold War floats in the politics and ideologies of various countries. Against this background, the young Mr. Grüner Dale, who graduated in 1977 with a generous faith in the arts and life, came to settle in Strasbourg, France. Strasbourg is located on the German-French border, it has a beautiful natural scenery, elegant customs and simple Alsatian. Of course, it was once again ravaged by the war, but Strasbourg in the 1970s put it down and started to repair itself. Strasbourg is not the cosmopolitan city of prosperity, but it has its unique charm. Such an environment led Roggeul to leave his political turmoil, devoting himself to his own creation as a hermit and embarking on his simple but sincere art exploration. From 1979 to the present, Rogge Tarah has been hired at the Strasbourg School of Decorative Arts to teach sketching and color experiment courses; in addition, he has also served as a stage set stage at the Strasbourg National Academy of Drama and Theater Arts The teaching task. In addition to teaching, he devoted most of his time to his study of landscape painting; he painted the tranquility of the Castle Park of Boudres, painting the simplicity of Strasbourg, painting the fields, landscapes ... Release his feelings. Landscape, nature, has become the object of Rogge Dale talk and reproduction, and gradually, he has his own style of expression, but also the style of Strasbourg in his eyes ... the same is 1979, if Ge Da Mr. Le’s large landscape paintings are exhibited in galleries in France and Switzerland. Since then, the name Rogge Tara has been active in the European art scene to this day. His works are constantly displayed in France and other countries; he has also participated in numerous salons held by the French Ministry of Culture in the Grand Palais in Paris, as well as major major art fairs in the world held in various parts of Europe. In the meantime, Also by France, Switzerland, Germany and many other important public institutions and private collections. Today, after the impact of many European ideas on the arts, people are beginning to look back at the traditional arts. However, no matter how the artistic world is changing again and again, Mr. Wrangel’s perseverance in the arts and his ever-increasing experience make him more determined in his own ideas about scenery, about creation, about artistic accomplishment, about life and war. Not long ago, we came to Quiet and Beautiful Strasbourg and listened quietly to Mr. Gege Taleh’s unique view on the subject of painting, his creation and the way of observation:
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