
来源 :档案春秋 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sms126
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从上海市区沿沪青平公路西行,一路碧草连天,湖光粼粼,移步换景之间便来到上海西郊著名的鱼米之乡和旅游胜地——青浦。置身于这片美丽富饶的土地上,很难想象在半个世纪前,这里曾是全国10个血吸虫病严重流行区(县)之一。毛主席诗云:“千村薜荔人遗矢,万户萧疏鬼唱歌”,正是血吸虫病肆虐人间的真实写照。在党和政府的领导下,青浦人民奋战了33个春秋,终于在1983年宣告消灭“瘟神”血吸虫。如今,在当年受灾最严重、死绝了一半人口的金泽镇任屯村,树立着一座闻名国内外的血防陈列馆,向四面八方的来客诉说着那段惊心动魄的往事。今年是国务院发布《关于消灭血吸虫病的指示》五十周年,笔者一行在青浦区档案局局长程忠菊、副局长俞辉雨以及青浦区卫生局原副局长顾云麟、现任办公室主任程东、青浦区原红十字会秘书长徐福洲的帮助下,查阅了血吸虫病档案,走访了有关人士,揭开了一段人类与“瘟神”殊死搏斗的历史。 From Shanghai downtown along the Shanghai-Qingping Road westbound, all the way to the sky, the lake sparkling, moving between the King went to the famous western town of Shanghai Yumizhixiang and tourist destination - Qingpu. It is hard to imagine being in this beautiful and fertile land half a century ago, once one of the 10 most endemic areas (counties) for schistosomiasis in the country. Chairman Mao’s poem says: “Thousands of villagers go to the left of the Liao Dynasty, singing ten thousand sparse ghosts,” is the true portrayal of the world where schistosomiasis is rampant. Under the leadership of the party and the government, the people of Qingpu fought for 33 Spring and Autumn, and finally declared the elimination of the “blast God” schistosome in 1983. Nowadays, Kanazawa, the most severely affected and half-dead population in that year, served as the village of Tuen Mun, setting up a well-known museum of blood-shelter at home and abroad and telling those thrilling stories from all over the world. This year is the fiftieth anniversary of the State Council’s promulgation of the “Directing on the Elimination of Schistosomiasis.” The delegation headed by Cheng Zhongju, director of the Archives Bureau of Qingpu District, Yu Huiyu, former director of the Qingpu District Health Bureau, Gu Yunlin, current director of the office, Cheng Dong, With the help of Secretary-General Xu Fuzhou, he consulted the files of schistosomiasis and interviewed the relevant persons, unveiling a history in which mankind wrestled with the “plague god”.