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全国闻名的四大古药都之一的亳州市,位于皖北西端,三面与苏、鲁、豫毗邻,涡河从西向东贯城而过。自古以来此地物华天宝、地灵人杰,老子、曹操、华陀等先贤圣哲出生于此。“汤居毫”为人皆知,故被称为“商汤古都,魏武故里”。东汉末年为全国五大都市之一。 清康熙乾隆时,由于毫州的地理、物候条件得天独厚,这个“兵家必争”之地, The city of Chuzhou, one of the four famous ancient medicine centers in the country, is located at the western end of northern Fujian. It is adjacent to Su, Lu and Yu on three sides and the vortex runs from west to east. Since ancient times, this place, Hua Tianbao, Di Ling Renjie, Lao Tzu, Cao Cao, Hua Tuo and other sages have been born here. “Tang Habitat” is well-known, it is known as “the ancient capital of Shang Tang, Wei Wu’s hometown.” The Eastern Han Dynasty was one of the five largest cities in the country. During the reign of Emperor Kangxi of the Qing dynasty, because of the geographical and phenological conditions of the State of Missouri, this land of “militants must fight for peace”,
The 20 000 t/a anhydrous hydrogen fluo-ride(AHF)unit in Guizhou Wengfu Lantian Fluorine Chemical Co.,Ltd.subordinate to Wengfu(Group)Company Limited has recent
Zhejiang Xiangsheng Group and Jiangsu Luling Chemical Company Limited signed an agreement on strategic cooperation on May 10th.The two sides will make joint in
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8月上旬 ,西安、长沙地区军队院校协作中心在乌鲁木齐陆军学院联合召开“学习贯彻落实新《政工条例》、依法指导和开展政治工作”研讨会 ,来自全军院校和部队的近百名专家、