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编写复式教案的五个“注意”教师在写复式教案时应注意以下五点:一、突出重点、兼顾一般。在一节课内要确定重点年级,不能平均使用力量。三级高初复式班,每节课一般可确定两个年级为重点,对这两个年级也必须根据不同年级、学科、教材等特点有所侧重。二、划清路子,有条不紊。在一节复式课内,对各年级直接教学的先后顺序,在写复式教案时,要根据先数学,后语文;先复习,后新授;先低年级,后高年级;结合实际,灵活安排的原则,把各年级直接教学的路子安排合理,划分清楚。三、动静搭配,互相衔接。各年级直接教学的轮换次数,既不能一静到底,也不能交替 The five “attention” teachers who write compound lesson plans should pay attention to the following five points when writing double-education lesson plans: 1. Give prominence to the focus and take into consideration the general situation. In a class, you must identify the key grades and you cannot use the average force. In the three-grade primary class, each class can generally be identified with two grades as the focus, and for these two grades, the emphasis must be placed on the characteristics of different grades, subjects, and teaching materials. Second, draw a clear path, methodical. In a compound class, the sequence of direct teaching for each grade should be based on the first mathematics and the post-language when writing double-education lesson plans; first review, then post-reward; first grade, then upper grade; combined with practical, flexible arrangements In principle, the arrangements for direct teaching in all grades are reasonable and clearly defined. Third, dynamic and static collocation, convergence. The number of rotations for direct teaching in each grade can neither be calmed down nor changed
泾县职业高中面向全县招生,为振兴农村经济培养适用人才。几年来,在县委和县政府的直接领导和支持下,解决了一系列实际问题,使学校得到较快发 Ganxian County Vocational High S
1966年本刊将继續不定期地刊登各标准設计編制单位动态报导,并将专业院“图紙动态”一栏并入本栏請各单位注意。 In 1966, we will continue to publish the dynamic report
一、填空(每小题3分,共30分): 1.因式分解x~2-5xy+6y~2-x+y-2=——; 2.若(x-sin135°)~2~(1/2)+|y-cos150°|=0,则x-y/x+y的值为——; First, fill in the blanks (3 points