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“加入世贸组织之后,在关税 壁垒和一般性非关税壁垒逐步取消限制的态势下,中国要注意运用贸易技术壁垒这个武器,同时注意防范他人的贸易技术壁垒,以维护国家的经济安全。”国家知识产权局局长王景川在近日于成都举行的中国科学技术协会2002年学术年会上做上述表示。据他介绍,当前世界贸易壁垒的80%来源于贸易技术壁垒。近年来,我国有60%的出口企业不同程度地遭到了国外技术性贸易壁垒,影响了我国出口总额的25%。 “After joining the WTO, with the gradual removal of tariff barriers and general non-tariff barriers, China should pay attention to the use of trade and technical barriers as a weapon while at the same time guarding against the technical and trade barriers of others in order to safeguard the economic security of the country.” The state Wang Jingchuan, Director of Intellectual Property Office, made the above remark at the 2002 annual meeting of the Association for Science and Technology of China held in Chengdu recently. According to him, 80% of the current world trade barriers come from the technical barriers to trade. In recent years, 60% of China’s export enterprises have been hit by foreign technical barriers to varying degrees, affecting 25% of China’s total exports.
The present study analyzed the anatomical association between intracranial subarachnoid space and the cervical lymphatic system. X-ray contrast medium and Micro
一、前言: 制定一个高水平的短跑训练计划必须考虑到许多因素,这些因素包括运动员的年龄、运动年限、身体素质、训练周期、负荷量和负荷强度、力量训练所占的适宜比例、力量
我厂1000Nm~3/h 制氧机配套的透平空压机,是重庆通用机械厂1980年产品,该机无任何控制、保护装置。为了保证主机安全稳定地运行,我们借鉴了兄弟单位同类透平空压机控制、检
The present study observed changes in rat neural cells at various ages (3, 18, 24, and 30 months). With age, neural cells became large and were sparsely arrange
永无止境的开拓者——记山西金石公司董事长赵书平@张剑波 Endless pioneer - recorded in Shanxi Jinshi Zhao Buping Zhang Jianbo chairman