
来源 :烟台果树 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:robert198121
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在一些密植试验中,比较了接于半矮砧和乔砧上的一些苹果品种的生长和产量。密植处理每公顷株数变化在400~1,600株之间。窄行距(3~4米)树整成篱壁式,宽行距(5~7米)树整成圆灌木形。栽后6~8年中,密植的矮化效果是显而易见的。密植减少了延长生长、干横截面积、冬剪重量、花芽数和单株产量。当每公顷株数加倍时,其干横截面和冬剪重量要减少20~30%。株产随密度增加而下降。当每公顷株数增加四倍时,最高株产减到1/5。在每公顷株数超过900株时,半矮砧苹果树于栽后6~8年里产量最高,然后下跌。由于适当的修剪,以后各年的苹果株产总维持在20~30公斤。每公顷800株处理,栽后8~10年获得高产,当它充分占据其空间后,产量是稳定的。株产最高在45公斤上下。而每公顷600和400株的密度,于栽后14年产量最高,株产达70~90公斤。乔砧上的乔化品种,甚至在最大的栽植密度下(400株/公顷),栽后8~10年也能获得高产。由于高密,获得了每公顷果园的早期高产。后来,很密的栽植在产量和果实品质上就出现了不良效果。以每公顷栽植600~800株长势弱的品种效果最好。在14年内,密植的矮化效果有利于果园的生产和管理。 In some close-planting experiments, the growth and yield of some apple cultivars on semi-an dwarf and Qiao-an were compared. Dense plantings per hectare number changes between 400 to 1,600 strains. Narrow row spacing (3 to 4 meters) into a whole tree wall, wide spacing (5 to 7 meters) tree into a round shrub shape. 6 to 8 years after transplanting, planting dwarfing effect is obvious. Close planting reduced the growth, dry cross-sectional area, winter shear weight, flower bud number and yield per plant. When doubling the number of trees per hectare, the dry cross-section and the weight of winter shears are reduced by 20-30%. Production decreased with increasing density. When the number of plants per hectare increased fourfold, the maximum production was reduced to 1/5. At more than 900 plants per hectare, the semi-dwarf apple tree had the highest yield in 6-8 years after planting and then declined. Due to appropriate pruning, the total annual production of apples in the coming years will remain at 20-30 kg. 800 plants per hectare, 8 to 10 years after transplanting, high yield, when it fully occupy the space, the yield is stable. Plant up to 45 kg up and down. The density of 600 and 400 plants per hectare, the highest yield in 14 years after planting, strains of up to 70 to 90 kg. The Qiaohua variety on Qiaojun can achieve high yield even 8-10 years after planting even under the maximum planting density (400 plants / hectare). Due to the high density, the early yield of orchards per hectare is obtained. Later, very dense planting had adverse effects on yield and fruit quality. Planting 600 to 800 plants per hectare produces the best results with weak growing vigor. Within 14 years, the dense dwarfing effect is beneficial to the orchard production and management.
阿维菌素是一种被广泛使用的农用或兽用杀虫、杀螨剂.由Avermectin Bla和Avermectin Blb混合组成,其中Bla不低于90%、Blb不超过5%.对甘蓝中阿维菌素的残留量测定采用高效液相色
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山楂常规的育苗周期是五至六年,它严重地影响了山楂的大发展。缩短山楂育苗周期是当前急需解决的课题。 1981年山里红绿枝在雾室内扦插发根后,很多同志都研究将其用于山楂生
十七年 ,在历史的长河中 ,不过是一瞬间而已 ,然而在1644 -1661年 ,即清顺治元年至顺治十七年 ,遵义正处于明清交替的非常时期 ,其间明军、清军、农民军几方的反复争夺 ,使遵义城数易